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Jimin's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. 'Obviously hospital pabo.' I thought to myself.

I looked at the person whose head is lying on the bed. I got up and shook his shoulder.

"Uhh, Jimin..." he mumbled, still half asleep. "Jimin!!! Oh thank goodness you're awake. Are you okay? Anything hurts? I'll call the doctor!" Taehyung said and stood up but I quickly grabbed his wrist.

"Uhhh.. h-how long I've been.. unconscious?" I hesitantly asked.

He looked at me weirdly then whispered. "2 weeks..."

My eyes widened from what I heard. Two weeks?! Then we're going to have our comeback next week! I'm not ready! How is that even possible?! I just skipped two meals! That's why I fainted.

I heard a choking giggle and I looked up at Taehyung. "I'm just kidding Chimchim. You've been out for just 4 hours now." he said while laughing. "You should've seen your face! That was epic!"

I mentally facepalmed myself. Ofcourse this is my TaeTae, I can't get any serious answers from him. You want to play huh? Let's see.

I looked at him again and now with a curious face. "Uhmm.. Who are you again?" I asked.

I'm laughing internally when I saw his shocked face. I touched my head and shook it. "I must've hit my head so hard."

"Y-yah!! Stop it right now if you're messing with me!" he shouted, eyes glimmer with tears.

I panicked when I saw him crying. I last saw him cry when we were still a trainee. "Yah! Kim Taehyung! Stop crying like a baby! Aisshh! I'm just kidding."

He sighed and slap my shoulder. "Don't f*cking do that again Jimin." he said without looking at me then leave.

"I'll call the doctor and manager-nim." he said before leaving.

I sighed. Is he mad at me? What did I do? I just get my revenge at him for fooling me.


Taehyung's POV

I f*cking hate you Park Jimin and I f*cking hate myself for crying again in front of you. I mentally cursed. I need to fool somebody too..

I smirked when I saw five figures coming my way.

I immediately hugged Jin hyung. He pulled from our hug. "Something happen Tae? Why your eyes are so red?" he asked.

I looked up at him. "Jimin's awake." I whispered.

All their faces lit up from what they heard. "Oh thank goodness.." Jin hyung sighed in relief.

"B-but..." I paused. This is it! "H-he doesn't remember anything.." I said.

Jin hyung gasped. "Oh no."

Hoseok hyung dropped on his knees while Namjoon hyung tried to calm him. Yoongi hyung punched the wall. And Jungkook.. he sat on the floor gripping his now messy hair with both hands.

I mentally congratulate myself for the job well done then gave them my sweetest rectangular smile. "I'm just kidding."

"You.. you rascal!" Yoongi hyung shouted which made me flinch.

Jin hyung slap the back of my head. "That's not funny Taehyung." He said glaring at me.

"Wae? Jiminie pranked me too with those earlier." I pouted. "Anyway, where's manager nim? Oh! I'll just call the doctor to check on Jimin." I said walking away from them too avoid more scolding words.

"Hyung.. can I come with you?" Jungkook asked hesitantly.

I looked at him blankly then shrugged. "Sure."


Jimin's POV

I thought of everything that happened after Taehyung left. I sadly smile at myself for being such a fool.

'I really should stop loving him.' I thought. I know the others are worried about me. Maybe giving up is the only choice I have. Maybe I should focus on other things.

My deep thought was cut by the door opening. "Ohh hyungs." I greeted. They look all exhausted but still smiling at me like they are not worried. Those faces makes my heart ache. My guilt starts to eat me. Many people care about me, but here I am craving for attention of a guy who doesn't even appreciate my existence.

"How are you Jimin?" Namjoon hyung asked.

"I'm fine hyung." I answered then looked at them one by one. I noticed Hobi-hyung, he's surprisingly silent.

"Hyung.. aren't you happy I'm fine?" I asked him cutely.

Jin hyung answered in his stead. "Oh don't mind Hobi. He's still in shock because of stupid Taehyung."

I stared at Jin hyung confused. "Huh? Wae?"

"Well, stupid Taehyung pranked us that you lost your memory when you woke up." Yoongi hyung said rolling his eyes.

"And he said that you also pranked him with that." Namjoon hyung added.

I laughed at them, maybe my first genuine laugh after so long. "TaeTae did that?! That pabo!."

"Yah Jimin~ah! It's not funny!" Jin hyung scolded pinching my cheeks.

"Ouch hyung. That hurts! Tsk. You're ruining my cute face." I scowl at him rubbing my cheeks.

"What face? Where?" Yoongi hyung snorted.

They all laughed at my pouting face. I joined them after a while. Laughing without reason at all.

We are at that moment when the door opened and Jungkook and Taehyung came in. I suddenly frown when I saw our youngest.

"What's happening?" Taehyung asked with his rectangular smile. "Why all of you suddenly stop?"

They all looked at me then at Juungkook.

"I-I need to go to the comfort room" Jungkook whispered then quickly got out of the room.

I sighed. "I'm tired. And I know all of you too. Go home and take some rest. I'll be fine here."

All of them got the hint that I want to be alone and nodded. They say their goodbyes and leave.


I really can't think of anything >:(

I'm plotting a new storyline actually. :)

Okay that's all. Thank you for reading and voting and thank you for the comments. I really appreciate all of it. I want to mention all of you really. Maybe next time. Here's a POPO for all of you beautiful readers *amwa mwa tsup tsup*

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