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Jungkook's POV

I decided to come with Taehyung to call the doctor and find the manager.

"Uhmmm.. hyung.." I hesitantly called from behind him when we're far enough with the other hyungs.

He stopped in his track and looked at me. "Mwo?" He asked coldly.

"A-are you mad at me?" I asked looking at the floor.

He sighed which made me looked at him. "What do you think?" he softly asked. "I'm not mad at you. It's more like, I'm disappointed with you."

"Sorry.." I muttered.

He faced me and pat my shoulder. "You should say that to Jimin. And please, just please, next time think first before you open your mouth."

I just nodded at him, not looking at his face anymore. Guilty for what I've done to Jimin.

"I really don't understand why you dislike Jimin when all he did was to show you his affection."

"It's not that I dislike Jiminie hyung.. Its just that I -" I was cut off by our manager who's running towards us.

"Oh Taehyung! Jungkook! Namjoon called me. He said Jimin's awake." Our manager said.

"Ne. We're just going to find the doctor." Taehyung said after we bowed at him.

"Oh I already told the doctor. He's on his way." he grinned.

Taehyung flashed his smile and clapped his hands. "Oh! That's great! Let's get back to Jiminie."


Yoongi's POV

I came back to Jimin's hospital room since everyone was still waiting for Jungkook who I think didn't go to the comfort room at all.

I peeked my head inside the room to make sure if he's still awake. His eyes were closed. 'He's already sleeping.'

Maybe I said that aloud because he opened his eyes and sat up. "Hyung.." he sleepily mumbled.

I opened the door wide and came in. "Did I wake you up?" I asked.

He nodded. "Why are you still here? I thought you all gone home."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "I just came back to apologize for what happened earlier." I said.

He patted the side of his bed. Telling me to sit beside him which I happily did.

He hold my hand. "Hyung, you didn't do anything wrong to me. I think you should apologize to Jungkook."

I raised a brow at him. "Seriously?! Still Jungkook?!" I asked. "He deserved it." I said in a hard tone.

"Hyung.. what happened to 'He always say things that he didn't mean and regret it after'." he said mimicking me. "Don't let this ruin your relationship with him."

I chuckled at his attempt to mimic me.

"Hyung.. You said I am your favorite dongsaeng but I know you treasured Jungkook more than any of us. The way you looked at him whenever he achieved a thing. You're so proud. Like a real hyung. Please, a simple sorry won't hurt hyung."

The seriousness in his tone really got into me. I know he's the matured one out of the maknae line. But getting an 'unwanted' advice from him was new to me. 'Park Jimin you're making me fall even harder.' I sighed in defeat. "Okay. Okay. I'll apologize later. It is true that I'm proud of him and I see him as a real brother, but just to correct you..." I paused and looked at him. I sighed again but smile at his sleeping figure. 'How can you sleep that fast?'

"'re the one I treasure the most my Jiminie." I continued even though he can't probably hear me.

I stood up then lean down to give him a peck when I heard the door open.

"Yoongi hyung. We're ready to go." Namjoon said from the door.

I mentally cursed him. 'Damn you Namjoon! I was that close! I was about to kiss Jimin! Why ruined it?!'


Jimin's POV

I woke up and realized that it's already midnight. The room filled with darkness and my mind doesn't helping by thinking of creepy things about hospitals. Like is there someone actually died in this room? Died on this bed? How many? Does their ghost still in here?

I groaned in frustration. What am I thinking? I was about to get up to turn the lights on when I heard footsteps from the outside. The person seems walking back and forth.

My playful mind think about those stories of ghosts that I read and watched. I quickly grasped anything that was beside me. 'A water bottle?! Yeah this might help.' I sarcastically thought.

I crouched down on the corner just beside the bed. The door open slowly. 'This is it. I'm going to die.' I thought to myself.

Then a blinding light burst inside the room that made me shut my eyes tightly.



Jungkook's POV

I can't sleep and it's already past midnight. Taehyungie hyung's words still ringing inside my head. I should really apologize to Jimin now. I mean right now. Right at this moment.

Quietly, I got up. Careful not to make any sound as I pick up my sweater, beanie and a new face mask that Jimin bought for me last month. Maybe the last thing he gave me. I sadly smile.

I was so proud of myself for sneaking out. 'Such a badboy' I thought while walking outside our home.

I was waiting for a cab when I realized that I forgot to bring my wallet. Great isn't it? Should I go back? No, I can't risk it. It's just a thirty minute walk I think. I can do it.

I arrived at the hospital after 20 minutes without any hassle. That was quick. People didn't noticed me maybe because my face was covered or maybe they wouldn't think an Idol will walk outside in the middle of the night.

Standing in front of his room, I am now hesitating if I should walk in. 'What if he's already asleep? Argh! Stupid Jungkook. I should've thought about it before coming.' I walked away then walk back. I sighed, determined to finish what I started. 'I'll just wake him up.'

I released a lungful of air before opening the door. Meh! Its pitch black. I can't see a thing. My hand quickly searched the light switch and turn it on. And I was a bit shocked and confused on what I saw.

Jimin, he's on the corner of the room in a fetus like position, eyes tightly shut, hand gripping a plastic bottle and muttering inaudible words.

"Hyung..." I whispered.


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