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Jin walked inside Jimin's shared room to check the latter. He's worried about the younger one's behavior after their schedule that day. He seemed so troubled by something.

He kneel down beside his bed and stare at him. He looked so peaceful when asleep. Jin moved to stare more until his face was a few inches away from his. 'His face looked so soft and smooth. I should ask him what product he's been using nowadays.' Jin told himself.

Jimin slowly opened his eyes and open it widely if that's even possible when he saw Jin only inches away from him. "H-hyung.. w-what are you doing? I swear if you're going to kiss me too, I'm going to have a mental break down." he said pushing him lightly and sat up.

Jin chuckled and stood up. "No. I was going to ask you something then I saw you sleeping so I took the opportunity to stare at your face."

Jimin looked at him like saying 'the f*ck are you saying?'. "Why?"

"Oh forget it. I'm still much handsome than anyone here so.." he said while walking away from the younger then came back when he remembered something. "Wait.. did you just say 'kiss me too'?"

Jimin shifted his gaze. "W-what are you-"

Jin cut him off. "No. I'm not deaf Park Jimin. Someone kissed you earlier. Who is it?" He exclaimed.

"No one kissed me hyung. Stop grinning like that." Jimin replied and leave his hyung who shouted. "You know that I won't stop until you tell who is it, right?!"

He rolled his eyes and shouted back. "Shut up hyung. I will not tell you even if I die!"


At dinner time Taehyung and Hoseok raced their way to sit beside Jimin and bumped Jungkook and Yoongi in the process. The maknae just sighed and shook his head at his hyung's childish antics. But Yoongi didn't let them pass and tripped the running Taehyung which made Hoseok won. "Yadaaa!! I won!!" he cheered

"Aish!! Unfair hyung!" Taehyung whined and sat beside Yoongi.

"Yah. Stop playing in front of food." Jin scolded the two.

They all started eating with some chatter here and there. "Namjoonie there's something on your face. Come here I'll wipe it." Jin said and wiped Namjoon's lips with a napkin.

The other boys just stared at them in awe. "Just get a room already! I might gag here at any moment," Yoongi said.

Jin just rolled his eyes at him and Namjoon glared but both of them was flustered.

"Sweet.. Jimin when we will be like that?," Hoseok suddenly said while tugging Jimin's shirt.

"Huh? What the hell hyung?," Jimin asked, confused of Hoseok's words.

He furrowed his eyebrows at him. "Wae? We kissed earlier, right?"

"Mwo?!," All the other boys exclaimed while Jimin was choking on his food.

He coughed and cleared his throat before he replied. "Hyung.. correction! We didn't kissed. You kissed me. I didn't kissed you back. YOU JUST KISSED ME." he said as if it's not a big deal.

"What's the difference? Our lips touched and I kissing you is the same. And you two.." he pointed his finger at Yoongi and Taehyung. "Stop glaring at us like that! You kissed him too. I saw the two of you!!"

"Hyung!!!," Jimin exclaimed. Eyes popping out because of shock and embarrassment. He looked at them one by one. Jin nodding his head as if he got some interesting information. Namjoon looking at Jin with a mysterious smile on his face. Yoongi and Taehyung shifted their gaze when they met his eyes. But when he looked at Jungkook he can't read his reaction at all. He seems sad, confused and angry at the same time.

"I-I'm done.." Jungkook mumbled and quickly stood up and leave them.

Jimin, too embarrassed and angry at Hoseok's big mouth stood up too. "I'm going to sleep," he hissed and leave them arguing and shouting at each other.

"Look what you've done Hoseok!" Yoongi scolded.

Taehyung just glared at them and leave the dining table as well.


"Seems like I'm winning Jinie," Namjoon whispered at Jin.

"Too early to say that Joonie.. I still got the upper hand here," he said while poking their leader's cheek.

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