PAST (Part 1)

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Taehyung's POV

I felt lonely during our trainee days. Yes, I hangout with the others but it feels like they're too matured to play with me and Jungkook is just a kid that time. So when the management told us that the last member is the same age as me, I was so happy. Finally I can have a friend. Then he came, he looked so shy that time when he was introduced to us. Hobi hyung said he's really cute. Jin hyung said he want to pinch those chubby cheeks of him. Yoongi hyung said he's no fun. Namjoon hyung just shrugged. Jungkook just said "I hope he's good".

We became close after a week. My first impression of him was wrong. I thought he's a silent type, he's actually loud. We are all shocked when we saw him dance. How can this cute little thing can be a monster on the dance floor?

We're always together, sleeping on the same bed. Sharing food with each other. He became my best friend after a month, but just like any other, our friendship need to pass through thick and thin.

We met this girl on a park near our dorm. She's stunning and all but I don't like her. She looks like a slut to me. But Jimin find her cute, delicate and sexy. I want to slap his head. He really can't read people.

"I think I like her Tae Tae. She makes me happy. I'll confess tomorrow. Do you think she'll date me?" Jimin said a little shy.

I snorted. "I don't know. Do you think it's a good idea to be in a relationship now? We're in training to be an idol remember that."

"I just want to try. She said she likes me."

"It's up to you" I just shrugged. But thinking of how can I stop his craziness over her. She's not good for my friend, my best friend. And an idea is now forming inside my head.

I texted her to meet me at the park tomorrow afternoon around 1pm. She agreed and asked me why. I just replied that I need to talk to her.

The day comes and I felt nervous. I hope this plan will work. I am waiting for 15 minutes now.

"Tae Tae!" she said while waving her hand.

I came near her. "Don't call me that. We're not close."

She just pouted trying to be cute. "So what do you want to tell me? Are you going to ask me out? Jimin will be mad you know. He's crazy for me."

I snorted. "You wish. Look, I really don't like you. I want you to stay away from him. Just get lost." I blurted out in a calm voice.

She tried to look hurt for a second but when I didn't buy it she just smile and said "uhmm. Okay."

My face lit up. "Really?"

"Sure. I don't like him anyway. He's annoying. But... in one condition." She said giving me a devilish smile.

I literally in rage hearing her saying that my best friend is annoying but I
calm myself. I want this to go as planned. "What do you want?"

"Hmmmm." She pretend thinking looking at nowhere. "Kiss me."

That's it. She's really out of her mind. I want to strangle her that moment.

"You know I can destroy your friendship with just a blink Taehyung. He'll listen to whatever I say." she said while running her filthy finger on my my hair.

I slapped away her hand. She have the upper hand now. I sighed. "Okay. I'll kiss you. Just promise me you'll leave us alone."

"Kiss me.." she said pouting her lips.

I kissed her and I heard someone gasp from my back. I quickly turn around and there he was, shocked, teary eyed, angry, betrayed.

"Ji-Jiminnie I can explain. Please. It's not what you think it is." I touched his now wet cheeks from tears.

He just turn around and run away.

"Jiminnie!! Please!" I screamed. I heard the devil laughing at us.

"That was good. I'll keep my promise. Goodbye Taehyungie." She left while laughing. I run for Jimin. This is not what I wanted. I need his forgiveness.

I grabbed his hand panting. "Please just hear me out."

"What do you want? You could've just told me that you like her too. It hurts a lot Tae. You betrayed me." he said eyeing daggers at me.

"No no no. I just don't want her for you. She's not good for you. She said if I kiss her she'll leave you alone." I cried.

"Why? Why did you do that? Who are you to say who's good for me and who's not?" he said angrily.

My eyes widen. "I-I'm your best friend."

"Not anymore I guess." he just said then walk away from me.


A week passed and we didn't talk ever since and it's killing me. I don't know how to approach him. I felt awkward whenever he's around.

Namjoon hyung noticed us and ask me why.

"Something happened?" he asked me while taking a break from dance lesson.

I glanced at Jimin whose talking with Hobi hyung that time before answering. "It was my fault. I did something that hurt him a lot."

"You know, I don't need to know what happened but if it is your fault, then move your ass. Make it up to him. You're both suffering right now based on what I see."

"How?" I wiped the tears forming in my eyes.

"I don't know. You're the best buddies here. You know how to make him happy."

After what Namjoon hyung said I made up my mind. I'll talk to him after this tiring lesson.


"Hey let me go!" Jimin said while I drag him inside the comfort room. He really looked angry.

I kneel down in front of him while crying. "Please Jiminnie forgive me. I can't take it anymore. It's killing me. I know it's my fault. Please forgive me. I'm really sorry."

Jimin crouch down and raised my chin. "You rascal. Okay I forgive you. Just treat me a meal for a week okay?" He said crying too.

My heart felt joy and smile brightly at him. "Even for a month" I said excitedly and hug him.

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