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Jungkook's POV

I tossed my phone after seeing those post. I groaned while punching my pillow. Why am I so frustrated?!

I noticed everything. I noticed his change. I noticed how he avoids me as if I don't exist. But that's fine cause that's what I wanted, right?

I noticed that he's not his cheerful self for the past two weeks. Is he sad? Is there something bothering him? Do I care?

Why is he doing this? Probably because he wants to gain more attention. Hah! You won't get anything from me Jimin. I am so done with your games!

You made me hate you even more. I can't play and hangout with Taehyungie hyung because he's always clinging on you. Same with the others. Their attention is on you now. You even have a date with Yoongi hyung today!!

You said you love me then you flirt with everyone?! Slut! Slut!

My eyes shot open when I realized what I've just been thinking.

Wait what am I saying?! That's gross Jungkook!

I buried my face on my pillow and scream. Scream all my frustrations and anger which I don't understand where did came from.

"Jungkookie..." someone whispered from the door.

My eyes widen. F*uck! I forgot to close the damn door!.' I quickly got up and saw Jin hyung enter my shared room with Namjoon hyung. "N-ne?"

"I heard you scream so... Is there something I can do?" he said in soft tone.

"I-I.." I stuttered. Thinking of what alibi I can say. "Nothing's wrong. Just practicing my vocal chords."

He raised an eyebrow at me then sighed. "Okay? You know I'm here to listen right?"

I nodded and gave him a small smile. "Really, I'm fine hyung."

He sighed again. 'He's sighing to much nowadays'. I mentally laugh at the thought.

He walked out of the room muttering. "Why are they not talking to me about their problems? Am I not trustworthy? Aishh."


Jimin's POV

A busy week passed so quickly. Recording, dance rehearsals and everything we usually do before our comeback.

We are currently polishing our dance steps for our song Run. I'm silently cursing myself for skipping dinner last night and breakfast this morning.

My vision started to blur and my knees are getting weak. Taehyung must've noticed and asked "Minie are you okay? You look like shit."

The others heard him and looked at me worried plastered on their faces, well except for one, Jeon Jungkook. He's glaring at me.

"I'm fine Tae Tae. Just a bit tired. C'mon let's continue" I said faking a wide smile.

After an hour of dancing my knees gave up. I tripped on Jungkook's foot and we both fell on the floor.


Jungkook's POV

I heard Taehyung asked Jimin if he's fine. I can see that he's not in good a shape but I thought he's just faking it.

'Don't fall for it Jungkook, he's doing that on purpose.' I said to myself. So I just glared at him.

"I'm fine Tae Tae. Just a bit tired. C'mon let's continue" Jimin said smiling.

'Tsss. He just want us to sympathize him.'

We continued our practice for an hour and to my dismay Jimin tripped on my foot and we both fell on the ground with a loud thud. I groaned in pain I felt on my back. And Park 'f*cking' Jimin is on top of me!!

I can feel his unsteady breathing on my neck and I pushed him hard, a little flustered because of the tickling sensation I felt. He moaned a bit which made me cringe even more. I got up and dusted myself before I let out my rage on him.

"Y-yah!! What is wrong with you?!" I shouted pointing a finger on him.

He sat on the floor and looked at me. "S-sorry..."

"You did that on purpose, don't you?! Hah! I knew it! You want to gain attention right?! Am I right?! We all noticed you! Now stop this stupid game of yours!!" I shouted more. Anger filling my whole body.

He just looked at me eyes wide and tears falling.

"Jungkook stop it!" Namjoon hissed while holding back an angry Taehyung beside him.

"What?! I'm the bad guy now because I said the truth?!" I looked at Jimin again and said. "I f*cking hate yo-"

For the second time this day, I fell on the ground. I touched my stinging cheek. Did someone just punched my face?!

"Yoongi!" I heard Jin shouted. "That's too much. You didn't have to do that."

I looked up at Yoongi shocked. He's the one who punched me? But why? He never hurt me physically before.

"No Jin hyung. He's too much." He said eyeing daggers at me. "You're to much Jungkook! How dare you say those things to Jimin?! You know nothing!"

I clenched my fist. Not saying a word to anyone. I stood up and walked to the door. But before I even touched the door knob I heard Taehyung shout. "Jimin!!!"

I looked back and I saw him there, lying on the floor, unconscious, the others running towards him and I just stood there not knowing what to do.

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