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Jimin's POV

I was lying on my bed, just staring at the ceiling when a knock on the door disturb me. I groaned a little annoyed. 'Argh. I just want to be alone.'

I got up and open the door. "Tae! I told you I want to sleep. Stop disturbi-" I was a little shocked when I saw a glaring Yoongi infront of me. "Ohh hyung! What is it?" I said forcing an awkward smile.

He stared at me for a second then rolled his eyes. "We're going out. Wear something nice." he said then turn around.

"B-but where are we going hyung?" I asked confused.

"I'll give you ten minutes to change or you're dead." he said not looking back.

I sighed. 'Why is he so weird today? First, during breakfast, he stuffed my plate with food which I didn't eat. Then now, this. Urghhh'


I take a deep breath before entering the living room where Jin and Hoseok are watching t.v. and Yoongi is waiting.

"Oh Jiminie I thought you're going to sleep?" Hoseok asked.

"Uhm?" I smile and wrap my arms around Yoongi and rest my head on his shoulder. "Yoongi hyung and I are going on a date."

Jin just smile and nod at us while Hoseok just stared wide eyed.

"Let's go Jimin. Manager nim said the van is waiting outside already." Yoongi said not looking at him.

But before they even got out of the house they heard a loud bang. Like a door was slammed too hard.

I looked back but saw no one besides Jin hyung and Hobi hyung. Maybe Taehyung heard what I said to Hobi hyung and Jin hyung and got mad because I refused to play with him then here I am with Yoongi hyung going somewhere.

I felt guilty. 'I should buy him something later' I said mentally.


Half way through our ride, I received a text from Taehyung.

From: TaeTae
Hobi hyung told me that you went on a date with Yoongi hyung. :( I want a date with you too!!! I'm at the company right now. Helping Namjoonie hyung on something. Tc. Enjoy!

I smiled knowing that he's not mad at me. 'But if he's in the company right now, then who's the one who slammed the door?' I asked myself.

"Jimin, is it okay if we stop by at the company? I just need to do some works. Just for an hour maybe?" Yoongi hyung asked me sheepishly.

I smiled at him. Seeing him like this is new to me. "Sure hyung. I'll help you."

He shake his head. "Ani. Just relax. I can do it."

"Hmmm okay. I'll just hang out with Tae for a while while you're busy."

His face darkened for a second or I just seeing things. "Wait! You know what? I think you should help me."

I raised a brow then nodded. "Sure."


Yoongi's POV

I can't focus on anything while he's beside me. Even though he's not talking much. He told Jin hyung and Hoseok that we're going on a date. I can feel my cheeks were burning that time. What is happening to me?

I secretly like Jimin. How can I not? He's so kind to me even though I'm always mean to him. Always bringing food to my room when I forgot to eat dinner. Always reminding me to take care and to be healthy. He even took care of me when I got sick.

I remember when he let me take his seat one time even though he's really sleepy. He just said "You looked exhausted hyung. You're the one who should sleep. Here." then he smiled. That smile which he gave to everyone. I hate that. I can't control my feelings when he does that. So I always rejecting his actions away, scolding him, or hitting him sometimes.

But this is a different case. He's hurt. My Chimchim is f*cking hurting. And I, his Syub Chick hyung, will make him happy and that's a promise.

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