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"So I was awake around two in the morning to get some water, and I heard someone's crying in your room. Mind to tell us what happened?" Jin  said while they're eating breakfast.

Jimin looked up at Taehyung, eyes pleading 'please don't tell them' which the younger of the two got quickly.

"I don't know. I was past asleep that time" Taehyung lied.

Jin nod and ask Hoseok. "You Hobi?"

Hoseok startled. "I-I m-might heard something like that. But I was too scared to look. What if it's a ghost crying? What if that ghost actually want to take me? What if this house is haunted? What if-"

Yoongi cut him off. "Yeah Hoseok-ah we get it. Just shut your mouth." he said rolling his eyes.

Jin looked at Hoseok suspiciously but then proceed questioning. "Jimin?"

Jimin just shrugged while playing the food on his plate. He then got up. "I'm done. Just call me when you're all finished so I can clean the dishes as promised. I'll be in our room." he said avoiding eye contact with anyone.

"I'm done also." V said cheerfully then run to their room.

Hoseok just look at his two room mates sadly as they make their way to the room.


J-Hope/Hoseok's POV

It's been two days now since I saw Jimin smile and laugh. Yeah he's laughing and smiling during our shoots, fan meetings and when other people were around. But those are fake laughs and smiles, it didn't even reached his eyes.

I know why he's being like this. I heard everything that night. He was hurt, yes. But I wasn't aware that he really loves our maknae that much that he's still hurting until now.

Even the other members noticed the change. He's not the cheerful Jimin anymore. He's always zoning out, it's like he's there but at the same time he's not.

I want to hear his beautiful laugh again.

So even if I'm tired from our schedules, I always make sure to give him my time. Acting silly and fool in front of my precious Jiminie. Being loud and cheerful just for him.

I remember the first time we talk. He was so shy, and cute, I might add. He said I was the first one who talked to him since he came and he smiled, that famous eye smile of him.

It's easy for me to cheer him up before. Then why I can't now? I really want to hate Jungkook but I can't. He's like a brother to me.

Jimin is not his usual self right now but I won't give up on him. I will make sure to see those eye smile that I am craving for. Sooner or later.

"Hobi I know you knew something. Spill it out or you're not eating dinner tonight." Jin hyung threatened me.

"But it's not my place to talk hyung. Ask Taehyung or just talk to Jimin himself." I whispered.

Jin hyung sighed. "I'm just really worried about Jiminie. He's not talking much. He's not eating much. I wonder if he's starving himself again. Cause I won't let him. Please Hobi I want to help him on whatever he's going through right now."

I saw something glittering in his eyes. 'Darn, he's doing it' I said to myself.

"Okay. Okay. I'm telling you." I said in defeat. "You don't have to cry hyung."

He gave me his widest smile and said. "Talk Jung Hoseok."

I rolled my eyes and tell him everything not knowing someone's listening. I really hope Jimin won't get mad at me.


Yep. It's lame and boring. But I love J-Hope (the ultimate bias wrecker).

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