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Jimin and Hoseok came home and greeted by a screaming Taehyung running towards them.

"HELP!!! Yoongi hyung is going to kill me!!," he yelled and run behind them.

"What stupidity have you done this time Taehyung?," Hoseok asked looking at his back.

"Nothing!! I swear I was just happily screaming because.. I actually forgot why..," he said scratching the back of his head. Eyes furrowed in concentration. "I didn't know he was sleeping that time."

"Oh Taehyung~ah. You're really dead," Hoseok said again in concern.

"Yes Taehyung! You are dead!," Yoongi suddenly yelled from the other side of the room. He started to charge towards the three males. Eyes glaring as if someone's life is going to end right at this moment.

Taehyung's and Hoseok's eyes widen in panic while Jimin who's still oblivious on what is happening just stand and looked at Yoongi.

The youngest of the three suddenly yelled. "Hobi hyung! Jiminie! I choose you!"

"What do you think are we? A pokemo-," Hoseok was cut off when Taehyung pushed them forward.

Jimin let out a little squeal and closed his eyes. Anticipating the pain of hitting the floor. Hearing a loud thud.

But the pain never came. Instead, he felt arms at his back, his chest leaning on another hard yet firm chest and his lips brushing against other else's lips.

"What the hell happe-.. Ohhh," Jin came rushing out of the kitchen and raised a brow when he saw Jimin on top of Jungkook, same with Hoseok and Yoongi minus the kissing scene and a shocked Taehyung.

"Ohhh.. what a scenery," Namjoon said peeking from Jin's back and earn a slap on shoulder by the eldest one.

This made Taehyung snapped out of his shock and yelled at Jimin and Jungkook. "Yaahh!!!"

Jimin quickly opened his eyes just to see two brown orbs staring back at him. He got up and saw Taehyung glaring at them. "What?! You're the one who pushed me!," he yelled.

He didn't saw the pain in Jungkook's eyes when he harshly wiped his lips with the back of his hand and he didn't notice when the younger quietly stood up and walked away.


Jin's POV

It saddens me to see the maknae line like this. They used to be so close, they used to be so loud. They used to play around and tease each other.

I watched Jungkook's pained expression when Jimin harshly wiped his lips. Leaving the scene quietly.

I watched as Jimin argued with Taehyung, not sparing a glance to our maknae. He used to worry about him a lot before.

I also watched as Taehyung ran to his shared room crying. Leaving the confused and sad Jimin.

"Jimin..," I softly said to gain his attention.

"Hyung..," he looked at me, eyes asking for help. I ruffled his hair and nodded.

"Kitchen or my room?," I asked, giving him a smile.

He took a deep breath and said. "Kitchen, I think I need some water."

I nodded and lead the way. I get him a glass of water which he lazily drank and started talking after a while. "Hyung.. I really don't know what to do. It pains me whenever I unintentionally caused something to upset any of them."

"Yeah.. yet you're hurting Jungkook on purpose right?," I suddenly blurted out.

"I.. I-it wasn't-," he stuttered then deeply sighed. "Okay, maybe a bit, I just want to see his effort and I want him to feel the pain I felt before."

"Who are you?!," I jokingly asked to ease some of his tension. "The Jimin I knew never ever want his Jungkook to get hurt."

He sadly smiled while looking at his lap. "I guess I buried that stupid Jimin."

"Try talk to Jungkook please? This is all new to him," I said then ruffled his hair.

"I'll go talk to Tae first," he quietly said. "Then Jungkook."

I smiled in content at him. "Okay. Go now!"

A few layer after Jimin left, a flushed Hoseok suddenly appear at the kitchen.

"Something wrong Hobi?," I asked.

"N-nothing. . I-I n-need water," he stuttered and quickly get what he needs while I was looking at him suspiciously.

'Something's wrong for sure.' I said to myself. I will ask him some other time since I've had enough drama for today.


It took me so long and I only gave you a shitty chapter 😩😩
I was so busy the past month, working my ass

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