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Jungkook's POV

True to Jimin hyung's word, I was indeed in trouble. Right after Jin hyung fetched me, I was scolded not only by him, Namjoonie hyung and the managers, but also all the hyungs when I got home.

And to put a cherry on top, I am now sitting in front of our beloved PD~nim with Yoongi hyung and being scolded again for the nth time this day.

"Jungkook, I want to know what is wrong? It's very unusual for you to just sneaked out and disrespecting your teammates. You're an adult now right? Then act like one." PDnim calmly said. He turned his gaze onto Yoongi hyung. "Yoongi do you think hurting your dongsaeng physically was the right thing to do? I thought you're better than that."

He shook his head and sighed. "I'll think of a suitable punishment for the two of you. I still can't believe this. All of you used to treat each other like brothers. What happened?"

After a few more sermons on how we should treat each other, the old man finally let us go. "You may leave now."

We bowed at him before leaving. I really don't mind all them scolding me. I feel so light today. Maybe because, me and Jiminie hyung is in good terms again. I'm in that thought when Yoongi hyung gripped my wrist tightly.

"Wae hyung?" I asked, a little startled.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot this whole time?" He suspiciously asked back.

I didn't realize that I was smiling. What the hell is happening to me? "Am I smiling? I didn't notice. Sorry."

His face darkened. "Did something happened between you and Jiminie?"

"Mwo?!" I exclaimed. I can feel my face heating up. "N-nothing happened. I just apologized!"

He smirked at me. "Defensive much?" He teased then his face get back to serious again. "Speaking of which, I want to say sorry for punching you. I lose my temper."

I gave him a smile and said. "I deserved that hyung. So I accept you apology."

"Yeah you deserved it." He replied flashing a gummy smile at me then leave.

Seriously, how can he act so cool?! I mentally asked while looking at him walking away.


The boys are currently at the company just killing some time and waiting for Jungkook and Yoongi. When the two arrived Jin spoke up. "So me and Namjoon decided to visit Jimin later. Who's coming with us?"

"I'm coming," Yoongi replied trying to hide his excitement.

Taehyung raised his hand. "Me too."

"Me three!!" Hoseok yelled then laugh.

All of the others furrowed their eyebrows at him and looked at him as if he's not from this world.

"Was that a joke?" Jungkook asked.

Hoseok who still laughing at himself answered. "Yep. Funny isn't it?'

They shook their heads and leave the poor Hoseok alone. "Yah!! Why you're not laughing?" he whined. "If Jimin was here he would've like that joke."

Taehyung patted his shoulder. "It's okay hyung. I like your jokes. But not this one."

"I hate all of you!! I missed my Jimin! He's the only one who can get my humor." He yelled before stomping out of the room.


Hoseok's POV

I asked Namjoon if I can stay with Jimin for a while. Telling them that I need to teach him the changes on our choreography. The truth was I just want to spend alone time with him.

They all agreed. "Don't work too much. Jimin needs too rest and regain his strength okay?" Namjoon said acting like a father.

"C-can I stay too?" Jungkook hesitantly asked.

"No!" Me, Taehyung and Yoongi hyung yelled in unison which made him jump.

"Jungkookie," Jin hyung started. "You can't stay as part of your punishment."

"That's right. Do you think we'll just let you pass?" Namjoon shook his head.

The poor boy just pouted and nod at his hyungs. Muttering some inaudible words.

After they left Jimin spoked. "Hyung.. you're surprisingly silent. Is there something wrong?"

I looked at his worried eyes and smile. "Nothing's wrong Jiminie. I just missed you."

He laughed at me. "What are you talking about? We're always together hyung."

"I mean no one's laughing at my jokes anymore. I hate all of them. They don't get my humor like you do." I whined.

"Hyung.. I promise, after getting out of this hell room, I'm going to spend a whole day with you," he said smiling brightly.

"Jjinja? Only with me? No one else?" I clarified just to make sure.

He nodded which made me jump and gave him a bear hug.

"Yah! Hyung! Get off me!! Aishh!" he protest, trying to push me.

"Sorry! I'm just happy," I apologized.

"Let's start? You're here to teach me, aren't you?"

I nodded. Still can't believe my Jimin will spend a whole day with me. Just me. No Jungkook. No Taehyung. No Yoongi. No Jin. The thought makes me so happy that I can't get off the smile on my lips.

"Stop smiling like that hyung. You're scaring me." Jimin teased, crossing his arms on his chest, acting scared.

I slap his head lightly. "Babo" I muttered which made him laugh.


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