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Jimin's POV

Yesterday, Yoongi hyung confessed and I swear my mind is going to explode thinking. First, my closest friend told me he likes me since he doesn't know when. Next, the guy I actually liked before realized he likes me, now that I'm almost over him. And now our grumpy hyung, he's not grumpy when I'm around though, looses his cool.

Is this really happening? I mean, those three never showed any signs that they like me before.

Then there's Hobi hyung, which I know, because he always remind me everyday, how much he likes me.

There's a part of me actually like the idea of them liking me but there's also a part that I just want this to be a dream or a prank because four awesome guys liking you is a massive cause of headache.

When things are getting out of hand, I always have Taehyung to talk to. But since he's part of my problem, I have to seek some 'words of wisdom' from Jin or Namjoon.

I quickly made my way to Jin hyung's shared room first since I know Yoongi hyung wouldn't be there this time. I knocked and wait for his response.

"W-who i-is it?," he stuttered from the other side of the room which made me raise a brow.

"It's me, Jimin," I answered. I heard some weird noises.

After ten seconds of waiting, yeah I counted while waiting, he opened his door and gave me an awkward smile while panting. "Oh Jimin~ah, what can I do for you?."

His hair was a mess, same for his shirt, and was his lips are swollen?! "I-I was wondering if I can talk to you about something," I started.

"O-oh sure. Come on in," he said and open the door widely for me to come inside.

He kept looking on Yoongi's bed which made me a little curious. "Are you okay hyung?," I asked.

He averted his eyes on me and answered. "Yes I'm fine. So you want to talk about what?." He made a last look on Yoongi's bed and I look at it too. I gasped on what I saw.

"Is that Namjoon hyung under Yoongi hyung's bed?," I asked out loud and looked at Jin.

"Yeah yeah it's me," Namjoon said while crawling out.

"What are you..," I covered my mouth with a hand when I realized what is happening. Jin covered his face with both hands in embarrassment.

"It's okay hyung. I won't tell a thing," I assured him and I gave Namjoon a wink.

"Oh forget him.. so what are you going to tell Jin hyung?" Namjoon asked. "Is it fine if I'm here?"

I nodded. "Uhm, yeah. I will tell and ask you the same thing after I asked Jin hyung anyway."

I sat comfortably on Jin hyung's bed while the latter sat on the floor, face still red in embarrassment.

"Well you see.. I'm just confused right now," I started.

"About what?" Namjoon asked again and sit beside Jin.

"Don't interrupt him Joonie," Jin scolded him.

"Well.. about Tae, Yoongi hyung, Jungkook and Hodi hyung. They told me they like me and I honestly don't know what to say or who to choose or should I choose at all?."

"Hmm. Sort out your feelings for each one of them Jimin," Jin advised.

"Oh.. well I'm the happiest when I'm with Hobi hyung.

Then I am most comfortable with Tae. I'm always worried about him too.

Yoongi hyung.. well I want to punch him, but I always want his approval. I'm always submissive around him. But I still want to punch him.

And Jungkook. You know how I feel for him. I like him. Yet I'm still angry with him. Or hurt. Or scared of being hurt again.I dunno."

They looked at each other after I told them what I feel. "It was much complicated on how I thought it'd be," Jin commented while rubbing his chin.

"No, it wasn't that hard to choose. You should choose the one who makes you happy, and in this case, it would be Hobi Hobi," Namjoon said, eyebrows wiggling.

Jin snorted. "I think you should choose the one you like. Jeon Jungkook it is."

"Yah!! Jungkook will hurt him again! Choose the one that made you submissive all the time! Choose Yoongi hyung!" Namjoon retorted.

"Are you kidding?! He just want to punch him! Choose Taehyung! He's your closest friend and you're comfortable with him."

"Are you seriously fighting right now?," I asked giving them a weird stare. "Just a while ago you're making out."

Jin and Namjoon looked at me and sheepishly smile. "You see Jimin, me and Jin hyung had a bet on who'll you choose among them and I'm rooting for the best," Namjoon explained.

"Vocal line!" Jin exclaimed while glaring at his side.

"Rapper line!," Namjoon retorted.

"Maknae line!"

"Hyung line!"

"Visual line!"

I sighed and started to leave the two of them still fighting. I scratched the back of my head."And here I thought they can help me," I mumbled while walking out of the room.


I have the same situation as Jimin on choosing my bias. Lols.

I'll try to make this story better. But I can't focus 😣Not when they'll release their album on May 2nd

And Leo of VIXX is not helping me by ruining my life with his.. well everything. Lels.

I have five scenarios of how should I end this story and I need your help. Should I end this with:





Or should I end this with the my original ending 😈😁

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