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Jimin's POV

"Hyung..." I heard a very familiar voice coming from somewhere.

'Jungkookie' I whispered before the darkness engulfed me.


Jimin pry open his eyes and thought it was all just a dream. He sighed in relief. He's in his bed just having a bad dream.

"Oh hyung! You're awake," someone from beside him exclaimed which made him open his eyes widely.

'Jungkook?! Oh no no! It wasn't a dream! That was embarrassing! Jungkook saw me in that state? A scaredy cat?!' Jimin thought.

"Wait there. I'll just call the doctor! J-just stay still, okay?" He stared at Jungkook who's now panicking and tripped twice running.

'Please! Earth just eat me alive now! I want to disappear!' He screamed mentally.

The younger quickly came back tugging the doctor behind him. "Slow down. Slow down kid," the doctor said.

"Sorry but Jiminie hyung is awake. You should check him up. He lost consciousness awhile ago. I already told you that," Jungkook said forgetting his manners.

Jimin's just looking at them still can't process the thought that Jungkook saw his weakness.

The doctor sighed. "This kid," he said shaking his head in disbelief. He turn to Jimin and speak. "So what happened? This kid came to me earlier crying for help."

"I didn't cry! Its just cold!" Jungkook butt in defending his pride.

The doctor scoffed. "Yeah sure!" he said sarcastically.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at him then turn his attention to Jimin. "Hyung what happened earlier? You look so scared. You were trembling."

"I-I don't know. I was just going to drink some water. T-then I... m-maybe I'm just tired and hungry," Jimin lied.

The younger raised his brow at him. Not believing a single word he said. But decided to let it pass for now.

The doctor checked Jimin and leave after a few minutes. Saying that he should rest more.

"So... hyung... what really happened?" Jungkook asked standing awkwardly.

"What do you mean what happened? I said I was tired, didn't you hear my explanation?" Jimin replied coldly which made the younger winced.

"Well you seem scared when I got here. Are you perhaps scared of ghosts?" Jungkook knew he hit the jackpot based on Jimin's reaction.

Jimin tensed. He looked at Jungkook just to see the younger smirking at him. "Yah!! I'm not scared!!!!" he yelled hiding his face with his hands.

Jungkook's smirk form to a wide smile. 'Cute.' He thought. 'Wait! What?! He's not! What am I thinking!!' he suddenly frown.

Jimin on the other hand regained his composure and bombarded the younger with a lot of questions.

"What are you doing here anyway?" he started. "Who's with you?"

"I-I came here t-to apologize for what I've said earlier." Jungkook replied with a shy smile.

"O-okay. That's fine. As if you never meant anything you said," Jimin coldly said.

"B-but I didn't." Jungkook mumbled. "I'm just confused."

"What? Speak loudly!"

"Nothing hyung. But I'm really sorry." The younger said loudly enough.

"I'm sorry too." Jimin said which made Jungkook looked at him. "Sorry for being annoying, sorry if you are disgusted by me. I don't blame you for hating me."

The latter widen his eyes from his hyung said. "Y-you knew?"

Jimin smile sadly then nod. "Namjoonie hyung didn't tell me. I overheard your conversation with him."

Jungkook's lips parted trying to explain and defend his side but he knew it will do no good. He's watching his hyung's attempt to hide his tears. He wants to wipe those tears the he caused. He wants to hug him and tell him how much he regretted everything he did. But as he's stubborn as always, he just stood there watching Jimin hurt by him again.

"Aish. Sorry you have to see that," Jimin said after awhile. He harshly wiped his wet cheeks then smile at the younger. "You didn't tell me who's with you. You can't possibly came here alone."

"I'm alone." Jungkook replied, head bowed not wanting to meet Jimin's gaze.

"Mwo?!" the elder exclaimed. "Please don't tell me you sneaked out. You'll be in trouble. How did you manage to come here alone? Are you out of your mind? You're better than that. That's reckless. And stupid. And -" he was cut off by Jungkook.

"Yeah. I sneaked out. And I walked myself just to apologize. I forgot to bring my phone and my wallet with me. That's how stupid I am! Happy?! Stop nagging like a mother when I came here for your forgiveness!!!" Jungkook yelled clearly annoyed by his hyung's words.

"Oh now it's my fault?!" the older of the two also yelled.

"That's not what I mean!! Tsss. I'm going home. This is pointless."

"Going home?! How?!"

"Walking." The younger said and started to leave but Jimin gripped his wrist tightly.

"You're staying here. I'll text Jin hyung to fetch you up tomorrow morning. Okay?" Jungkook tried to protest. "That is final Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook just sighed knowing he lost this battle with his short hyung. "But where I am going to sleep?"

Jimin gave him a 'duh-isn't-it-obvious' look before pointing his bed which made the maknae widen his deer eyes.

"A-are you sure? But how about you?" He asked.

"I think the bed is big enough for the two of us." Jimin replied while doing something thru his phone.

Jungkook whose face is now red as tomato just nodded, not trusting his voice to protest.

"Yah! Why are you still standing there? Just come here. Let's cuddle." Jimin teased, enjoying the younger one's reaction.

Jungkook sighed again and lay beside Jimin. Not a minute later, he started to doze off.

Jimin carefully put his arms around Jungkook's waist and whispered. "I'm sorry Kookie. Just let me hug you for the last time okay? I won't bother you again I promise." He sadly smile the gave the younger a peck on his forehead. "Goodnight my Kookie."


I don't know where this story will go. :(

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