Syub Syubie's Confession

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Namjoon's POV

Due to our busy schedule, I didn't have a chance to check on my members' well being.

After taking a hot shower that night I got out of my shared room with Jungkook to see if they're doing fine.

I saw them on the living room, watching a movie I guess. Hoseok and Taehyung fighting over who would cuddle up with Jimin while Jungkook just shooting daggers at them.

"Oh.. Namjoon. Want to watch a movie with us?," Jin asked when he noticed me, patting the side of the couch.

This all got their attention and tell me to join them. I noticed that Yoongi hyung is missing. "Next time. I'm just checking on you guys," I said smiling at them.

Jin gave me his sweet smile while the others shrugged and continue watching.

"Have you seen Yoongi hyung?," I asked Jin.

"Studio," Jin answered.

"Okay. Thanks," I said then turn my heels over to check on Yoongi.

I knocked twice before I opened the door. "Taehyung I told you don't disturb me. I'm working," he said still looking at his note pad.

I cleared my throat to gain his attention and gave him a smile when he looked at me.

"Oh Namjoon.. It's you. I'm working on something. Look," he said a little excited.

"Don't over work yourself hyung," I said then started looking at his work.

"I see. It seems Min Yoongi is inspired right now," I commented while smirking at him.

"Shut up," he said, face turning a shade of red.

"Are you fu*king blushing?!," I teased earning a glare from my grumpy friend. "You know what hyung, why don't you just tell him you like him? I mean the three idiots already confessed. Technically only two of them because we all know Hoseok hyung is head over heels in love with Jimin since I don't know when."

He snorted and shrugged. "He'll choose Jungkook in the end though, so why bother?."

"You don't know that!," I exclaimed. Clicking my tongue in disappointment. "I'm rooting for you and Hoseok hyung in this."

"Okay. Okay," he said raising his both hands in defeat. "I'll confess to-," he was cut off when Jimin suddenly barged inside the room with a tray of food in his hands.

"I brought your dinner hyung," he said then looked at me. "Oh Namjoon hyung. Do you want me to bring your dinner here too?"

I stood up. "No I want to enjoy my dinner on a dinner table," I answered earning a cute giggle from him.

I reached for the door then looked back at them. "Oh Jimin~ah. Yoongi hyung want to tell you something," I stated giving a knowing smirk at Yoongi's direction.

He mouthed 'i will kill you' and glared at me. I ran out of the room while laughing.


Yoongi's POV

I swear I'm going to kill Namjoon for this or thank him. Depends on what will happen. Aisshh! chill Min Yoongi. How am I going to start? Should I just tell him straight that I'm f*cking in-love with him?

I'm on that that thought when Jimin started asking. "So what is it hyung? If you're going to scold me for your missing cupcake, I swear it wasn't me. It was Taehyung," he said while sitting comfortably on one of the swivel chair.

"Mwo?!! He ate it?!," I exclaimed.

He looked at me, shocked and eyes widen. "Y-you didn't know its missing? Ohh.. please don't tell Tae I was the one who told you," he pleaded.

So cute. I mentally said.

I shook my head. "No. Just forget about that stupid cupcake and Taehyung," I coldly said. I really don't understand why I'm f*cking jealous with that kid more than anyone.

He sighed in relief and smile. "Ohh.. thanks. Back to the topic.What are you going to tell me? I'm hungry."

"Then eat that food you brought, I'm still full anyway."

Jimin started eating happily when he decided to talk. "Jiminie.. what will you do if I tell you that I like you?."

The younger choked on what he heard and started coughing. He pointed my water bottle and I tossed it to him which he emptied in three gulps.

He deeply exhaled. "Are you being serious right now," he asked.

I nodded and gave him a serious stare. "Yes Jimin. I like you."

There's a moment of silence and I still stared at him intensely. He seems thinking. Then he glared at me. "Is this a prank hyung? First Taehyung, then Jungkook, and now you? Who's next? Jin hyung? Namjoon hyung? If it is what I think it is, I'm not buying it," he said. He stood up and started leaving the room.

I quickly hugged him from his back and shook my head. "No Jimin. This isn't a joke or a prank. I like you. Why do you think I changed my attitude towards you? Why do you think I stopped being mean to you? Why do you think I kissed you?," I said and lean my forehead on his shoulder.

"I-I don't know. This is really confusing and f*cked up," he mumbled. "I need some time alone. Please let me go hyung."

I let him leave the studio and I stood there looking at the now open door thinking if I did the right thing.


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