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After an hour and a half, they left the company.

"Jimin, what do you want to eat?" Yoongi asked Jimin when they got to the van.

"I'm still full hyu-" the younger was cut off by a harsh sigh.

"Don't give me that I'm still full shit Jimin. You didn't eat the food I put on your plate during breakfast and I knew you skipped dinner last night too." Yoongi hissed.

Jimin just shifted his gaze, not looking at the older. He's like a husband who caught cheating.

"Are you starving yourself again? Is it because of those who says you're nothing without your abs?" Yoongi asked worried. 'But you're perfect' he said to himself.

Jimin looked at him wide eyed. "Aniyo. It's is not that hyung. It's just... I just..."

"Then what is it?!" Yoongi hold the younger's wrist. "Is it Jungkook?!" he asked angrily.

Jimin stared at him shocked. "H-how d-did you know?! Did Tae told you?"

Yoongi shakes his head. "Taehyung didn't need to tell me. I can see it through your actions." He sighed. "You know Jungkook is always like that right? He always say things that he didn't mean and regret it after."

Jimin choked a sob. "I don't know. Maybe I just love him that much that I can't eat when he's around hyung."

Jimin didn't noticed the sad smile of Yoongi. He let his tears fall. Not caring that he's crying beside his grumpy hyung.

Yoongi run his fingers onto Jimin's hair and smile at him. "Well I don't see any Jungkook around here. So we're going to eat. I know a place that serves delicious chicken meat."

Jimin rest his head on Yoongi's shoulder, enjoying the warmth that his hyung showing at him. "Thanks."


Yoongi's POV

I stared at the boy infront of me while he's digging on his food. I'm worried he might choke. "Yah Jimin slowdown. No one's gonna steal your food." I said softly.

He sheepishly smiled at me. "Sorry hyung. I can't control my mouth. This dish is so good."

I shake my head. He's too cute. "Just eat slowly. You don't want to have a stomach ache, do you?"

He nodded and eat his food again, slowly this time. He looked at me with his famous eye smile again.

"Stop smiling like an idiot! You look ugly." He pouted when I said that. 'Damn too cute.'

"Aish. You're ruining the moment hyung. Can you be just nice to me? Just for today?" He asked trying his best to act cute but failing.

I rolled my eyes at him. "What do you mean? I'm always nice with everyone."

He scoffed while shaking his head. "Yeah you are hyung." he murmured.

"So I just finished writing the song I told I want you to sing" I said changing the subject.

He looked at me, confusion written all over his face. "Huh? What song?"

"It doesn't have a title yet. I want you to make the title for it." I said playing with my chopsticks.

"Oh!!" he exclaimed. "That's real? I thought you were just fooling around. Thanks hyung. When can I see it?"

"Soon Chimchim. How about you? When will you contribute on our songs." I asked playfully. Flashing a gummy smile at him.

He laughed then said. "Hyung, you know I'm not good with song writing. You'll just criticize my work again."

I touched the back of his hand. "I'll help you. You just need to divert your emotions into lyrics."

He pulled away his hand, his face flustered. "I-I'll try."

There's a long silence after that. I want to slap myself for touching him. I sighed which he mistook that I'm bored.

"W-we should go now hyung. People might notice us." he said still stuttering.

"Why? You don't want them to see that we're on a date?" I teased which he answered back by a glare. He's really cute.

"Thanks for today hyung."


The sun is not yet setting so the older guy ask Jimin if he wants to hang out more. "Want to go to the park Jimin?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin shook his head. "I don't think that's a good idea hyung. Look." he answered then give his phone to Yoongi.

The latter stared at the phone with a raised brows. "Yoonmin spotted dating?!" he exclaimed.

There's a photo of them eating at the restaurant. With a caption 'Yoonmin spotted dating'

"Aish! This is... Urgh." Yoongi whispered while giving back Jimin's phone.

"L-let's just go home hyung."


Jimin's POV

We reached our home. I grab Yoongi hyung's wrist before he opened the door. "Thanks. I really enjoyed this day hyung. I hope you enjoyed too." I said sincerely.

He smirked at me. "Welcome. I didn't enjoy it. I told you, you are no fun." he said entering our house.

I sighed. 'I guess my grumpy hyung is back.'


It's been a while. Hoho.
My two year relationship with my boyfriend just ended last Wednesday, on our 2nd anniversary!!! He broke up with me because I forgot about it. Duh! I even forgot my own birthday!

I just want to share it. I got one less problem without him. Haha.

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