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Taehyung wake up when he heard someone's sobs. He looked at J-hope's bed and saw him moving slightly.

'Is hyung crying?' he asked himself then rose from his bed to asked the older one if something's wrong.

But when he faced Jimin's bed he saw that he's the one who's crying. "Jiminie? Are you crying?" he asked. He's worried about him. He's acting strange since he got home.

Jimin got up and wipe his face with his shirt. "Ani! Why would I cry? Go back to sleep."

The younger of the two walked to Jimin's bed and sit beside him. "You know you can't fool me right? Tell me what's wrong you pabo."

Jimin sighs before answering. "Jungkook."

"What about him? Did he raped you?" he joked.

Jimin smile and punch his friend lightly on shoulder. "Stop messing with me Tae Tae."

Taehyung giggle then pinch Jimin's cheek. "You're really cute when you smile."

Jimin rolled his eyes but still smiling. Taehyung can really light up his mood. "I know."

"So seriously, what about Jungkook?"

Jimin's face went dark when he heard the name. "H-he hates me." he bite his lower lip to prevent himself from sobbing. "He said I'm disgusting and annoying." he let his tears fall from his eyes and cry.

Taehyung embraced his friend and let him cry on his chest. "He said that to you? I'll kick his ass tomorrow." he clenched his fist.

"I over heard him talking to Namjoonie hyung."

"You're not annoying you know. You're the most wonderful person I know. And you're definitely not disgusting."

Jimin snorted. "Yeah, that's why you don't want me to touch you. I'm not disgusting." he said sarcastically.

"I have my reasons pabo. And it's not like you're disgusting or anything."

"Then why?"

Because you're confusing my feelings. "Because...." he paused. "Let's not talk about it."

Jimin nod and said. "You're really weird. Okay."

"I think I'm normal."

They just let themselves hug each other for a moment.

"Tae?" Jimin break the silence. "Why no one likes me?"

"That's not true." Taehyung said in his low voice. "Tae Tae likes you." he said while caressing Jimin's back, enjoying every second that he's this close with him.


"I-I m-mean you're my best friend!" he stuttered. "T-That's why I like you."

"You're blushing." Jimin teased.

"I'm not!" and he pulled himself from their embrace.

"Hahaha. I'm just kidding. Ahh! I missed the old us."

"Me too." Taehyung whispered. "Let's do this more often. Just like before."

"Sure. You know, I really don't remember what I did wrong to you. I just woke up and you don't want me to be your friend anymore."

"Let's just say that I'm going through a lot that time."

Jimin wrinkled his nose. "I want to know what you've been through next time. Thank you for comforting me Tae Tae."

"Sure. Are you fine now?" Tae said, still worried. "Why does you're always picking up the wrong person to love."

"Pffft. Don't talk like that. It's not you." Jimin giggles then frown. "I don't know what to do. I want this stupid feeling to be gone. Haishh."

Taehyung was a little amazed on how his best friend can change his facial expression in a matter of second. He blinked. "In time Jiminie. But please don't cry again. It's his lost. Let him realize that. Now sleep! We have a schedule tomorrow."

"Uhmm. Tae Tae?" Jimin whispered.

"Hmmm?" Taehyung hum and get up from his best friend's bed.

"C-can you sleep with me? I-It's fine if you don't want to." Jimin said face down.

Taehyung who are now blushing asked. "W-what do you mean?"

"Ani. It's not like that. I just don't want to sleep alone."

Taehyung shrugged, acting cool even though his heart is beating wildly that time. "O-okay."

"Really? Thank you."

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