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Jimin's POV

It is nice to be alone sometimes. Just thinking, escaping from the world that you are in. That's what I did after getting back to our house from shooting our BTS GAYO.

Yoongi hyung scolded me because I made a mistake. He told me not to butt in again. I was hurt even though he's always like that to me. I really don't get him sometimes. There are times that he's good and most of the time he's mean to me.

And then Jungkook. The way he looked at me a while ago when I teased him. It's like he was saying that 'fuck off!' and 'get off me'. Maybe he's just having a bad day or maybe he's not happy that he lose. Knowing him to be a competitive one.

My trail of thoughts was cut by a sudden ring of my phone. 'Who might it be? Maybe Jin hyung noticed that I am missing.' I said to myself.

I checked my phone looking confused. 'Yoongi hyung? Why is he calling me? I don't remember doing anything to him after the shoot.'. I decided to answer the call to avoid any trouble.

[Yah!!! Where are you?]

"Oh hyung! You don't have to shout. Aishh. I'm just chilling outside. Buying ice cream and stuffs." I answered while rubbing my ear.

[Buy me an ice cream too. And go home. Bye.]

'Tss. Weirdo.' I whispered while putting my phone inside my back pocket. 'I probably should go now. I don't want to see Jin hyung angry again, he's really scary when he's mad. But before that I'll buy Yoongi hyung an ice cream first and also Jungkook so that I can see his bunny smile again.'


It was dark when Jimin get back home. "Oh! Jiminnie ! You babo! Where have you been? Jin hyung was worried. Go to the kitchen and show yourself." Taehyung said when he saw Jimin.

"Oh? Okay."

He went to the kitchen and saw Jin preparing dinner. "Uhmm. Hyung I'm home." he said awkwardly.

Jin look up and smile. "Oh! Jiminnie you're back. Will you please call Namjoonie and Jungkookie? They're in their shared room. I'll just prepare the dinner table so we can all eat."

"Okay hyung." Jimin smile while placing the ice cream he bought earlier inside the fridge.


Jimin's POV

I was about to knock on Namjoon hyung and Jungkook's shared room when I heard Jungkook say my name. I stopped and listened to them. It is not my hobby to eavesdrop but I heard my name so you can't blame me. I think he's talking to Namjoon hyung.

"- Jiminie hyung."

"What about him?"

"Uhmm. I kinda annoyed with him. He's always saying that he loves me, it's a bit annoying. He always clinging onto me like a monkey. He's very touchy and I hate touching by him. It's disgusting."

"But I thought you like the way he treated you? He's always like that even before."

"Yeah I kinda liked it before, his affection, but I'm not a kid anymore. I think I like him the least now. I hate him and he's annoying."

"So what do you wa-"

I think my whole world just crash when I heard it. My tears rolled down my face. I wiped it immediately. Jungkook hates me. He's annoyed and disgusted by me. I ran into my shared room with Hobi hyung and Tae Tae.

"Oh! Jimin-ah where were you? I was alone here and Taehyung don't want to play with me. I missed my Jiminie a lot " Hobi hyung said using his aegyo while playing video game alone.

I clear my throat. Just to deliver my answer. "Uh just outside. Anyway dinner is ready." I said and bite my lip to prevent my sobs from escaping.

"Oh okay. Next time please drag me with you okay?" he said then pat my shoulder.

"And Hobi hyung. Speaking of dragging. Please drag Namjoon hyung and Jungkook out of their room please? Jin hyung's order." I said forcing a smile. "I'll just change into more comfortable clothes."

"Aish! This brat. Okay. Make it fast. You might end up eating nothing. Hahaha."

"Hmm. Okay."

Right after Hobi hyung left, I fixed myself. I don't want them to see me down. I left our room wearing the widest fake smile i have.

But it's not easy. I lost that smile once I saw him laughing with the others. I clench my chest and take a deep breath before sitting on my usual seat. Beside him.

"Jimin-ah!!!" Jin hyung shouted. "You're lost again! Are you okay?"

"Ne? Ne. I'm fine." I answered a little startled. All eyes are on me now.

I looked at Tae and he seem worried. Same as Jin hyung, Hobi hyung and Namjoon hyung. Jungkook's eyes are on me too. But it looked like he's judging me with a raised brow.

"We're asking you where have you been." Namjoon hyung cut the silence.

"Oh!! That? Uhmm. I was just walking around to ease some stress. You know, with our upcoming comeback and stuff." I lied which made them raised their brows. "A-and I bought ice cream for Yoongi hyung and-" Jungkook. I swallowed. "myself."

"WHAT?! YOU BOUGHT ICE CREAM FOR SUGA?!!" they said in unison.

"Something's fishy." Jin hyung said while rubbing his chin.

"Not fair! Why did you bought him and not me? Am I nothing to you?" Hobi hyung whined.

Namjoon hyung just kept looking at me and Yoongi hyung. While Tae is just glaring at me. I didn't dare look for Jungkook's reaction. I don't want him to judge me anymore.

"Ani! Ani! He just called me and ask to buy him an ice cream too."

"WHAT?! HE CALLED YOU?!" they all said again in unison.

"Aish! This people!" The person in question said. "Is it wrong if I call him? I was just wondering why he's not annoying me. I thought he killed himself." Yoongi hyung explained defensively but in a cool way.

"Well, you, calling Jimin is new." Namjoon pointed out.

"Oohhh! Yoongi hyung is worried about me. That's sweet." I joked and earn a glare from the older guy.

"Wait! I want ice cream too!" Hobi hyung still whined.

"Me too!" said Tae.

"You can have mine. I'm full anyway." I said smiling at the two idiots who raced their way to the fridge. "Ahmm. Jin hyung. Can I skip cleaning the dishes tonight? I'm really tired."

He looked at me as if asking me what's wrong. He's really scary when does that. As if he can feel me. Then just nodded and said. "Sure. Rest well. But remember you're gonna clean the dishes tomorrow."

I just nodded and made a bee line to my bed.

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