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Happy New Year!!!
I know! I know! It's late for that. I'm a busy b*tch too.

"Something is wrong with Yoongi hyu- WHAT THE F*CK IS ON YOUR FACE hyung?!!" Namjoon said after barging inside Jin and Yoongi's shared room.

"Yah! No swearing inside my sweet haven!" Jin said then throw something to Namjoon which he evaded effortlessly. "I'm wearing a facial mask right now. Why?"

"Seriously? Wearing those in the middle of the day?" Namjoon sit on Yoongi's bed.

"I'm fab that's why. So what are you telling me about Yoongi?" Jin asked sitting on his own bed.

Namjoon rubbed his neck before starting. "Well something's wrong with him. He's a little weird today."

"Well everyone is weird nowadays." Jin said shrugging.

"You noticed too?" Namjoon exclaimed. "He woke up early today. Note! On our free day! Then sit beside Jimin and stuffing his plate with every food on the table. As if he wants to feed him."

"Then there's Hobi-ssi. He's always following Jimin around like a lost puppy."

"Oh and there's Taehyung! Who always with Jimin like a leach! Seriously, I never saw those two together for a while now. What's happening? As if they're competing for Jimin's attention."

"Calm down Joonie! You might break Yoongi's bed." Jin said calmly. "Well I noticed all that. And there's Jungkook who's always quiet now."

"See? See? What is happening? And speaking of Jimin, he's not cheerful anymore. He always look sad and not himself. Not attentive. I need to talk twice for him to understand what I am saying." Namjoon said confused.

"He's broken hearted right now Namjoonie. Oohh my poor baby Jimin." Jin said wiping his fake tears.

"Oh that's explain his odd behavior." Namjoon nodded. "But wait. Broken hearted with whom?! I thought he's in-love with Kook-ah? Does that mean..."

"Yeah. You're getting it right Joonie. He heard you and Kookie that night."

Namjoon gasped after hearing those. "Ohh poor Jimin. That must've hurt a lot." he mumbled shaking his head. "Then why Yoongi hyung, Hobi~ssi and Taehyung's acting weird? I don't see their point."

"Well I think they're cheering him up. I am too. I want him back too his annoying, cheerful, kind self." Jin answered smiling at Namjoon. "What I really don't get is Jungkook's quietness. Maybe he's acting matured? What do you think?"

"I don't know. Maybe. But anyway what do I do? I want to help Jimin too."

"Hmmmm. Give him back his jams?" Jin said more like a question.

Namjoon snorted. " Lame hyung. Lame." Then walked out leaving the laughing Jin.


Just this. I can't think of anything right now. I'll do better next update.. maybe. :/

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