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Taehyung's POV

I ran inside our room, crying. I was so furious. I kept on biting my pillow out of anger. Angry at Jungkook for accidentally kissing Jimin. Angry at Jimin for making me feel this way. And angry at myself for being such a crybaby nowadays.

This is the third time they fall on each other. Why is it always Jungkook and not me? As if the universe telling me that they are meant for each other. Then how about me? Am I not worthy of Jimin? I love him more than Jungkook. I'm fucking sure of it.

I was calming myself when someone knocked on the door. Thinking it was Jimin, I hurriedly open it and hug the person on the other side. "I'm really sorry Jimin~ah. For snapping at you like that. You don't deserve that."

The person I was hugging cleared his throat. "Taehyung.." he whispered.

I quickly pulled myself when I realized it was Hoseok. A little disappointed at the fact that Jimin didn't come to comfort me. "Ohh.. hyung.. It was you.. sorry..," I said.

He sadly smiled at me and make his way inside. "I was just going to get my towel. Need someone to talk to? I have a minute to spare after my shower. Just don't wail like a mad cow in front of me," he jokingly said, clearly trying to make me laugh.

I shook my head and sat at my bed. "I'm fine hyung. I just don't understand why it's always Jungkook. Is it because he's a muscled pig?," I sighed. "But I hate working out."

Hoseok snorted. "You and your messed up head. It wasn't like that! Just remember, hyung is supporting you. Stop sulking here and make him fall for you!"

I looked at him in confusion. "Why are you saying those hyung? I thought you like Jimin?"

He smiled sadly then he looked at me with a pained expression. "I do. But seeing him suffering because of us makes me suffer too. So I did what I think was right." He then ruffled my hair and walked out of the room.

I just looked at the door, thinking he was right. I am one of the reason for Jimin's suffering.


Jimin's POV

After talking to Jin, I hurriedly go to our shared room to talk with Taehyung. But I was stoppedwhen I passed Jungkook's room. I can heard his muffled cries behind the door.

I hesitantly knocked on his door. He slightly opened it and was shocked when he saw me.

"What do you want?", he said while shifting his gaze on the floor.

"A-are you okay?", I asked.

He bitterly smiled at me and sarcastically asked. "Do I look like I'm okay?."


A small update for you guys. I know it's been forever since the last update. I have no excuse. I'll just try to update every week from now on.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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