PAST (Part 2)

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Everything went out the way it should be. We're back in business. Playing with each other. Talking about our future and everything. Sharing food with each other. Still fighting over little things but reconciled after.

"You know, sometimes I'm wondering how you became my best friend" Jimin said after I told him my plans after retiring (even though we're not yet an idol).

"Because you have no choice? I'm the only one who can stand you." I said laughing.

"Yah!! I'm the one who supposed to say that! You're the weird one here." he slap me lightly on shoulder.

"Pfft. I'm normal."

"Yeah. Normal people want to live inside the forest dragging his best friend with him after retiring. What you're gonna do there? Try to communicate with wild animals?" he said sarcastically.

I thought on what he had said for a moment. "That's a good idea. I tried to communicate with my cat before."

He just face palm himself shaking his head. "You need help Tae Tae."

I hugged him. "Oh I know you will support my dreams. You love me."

"Yah get off me! I can't breathe." he protest while pushing away my face from his.

We're at that moment when someone disturb us. "Hey love birds!" said the familiar voice that I haven't heard for a while.

We both looked up at the source of that familiar voice then looked at each other.

"Jungkook-ah is that you? Wahh! You've grown a lot. How's America?" I asked.

"Hello Taehyungie hyung. Hello Jiminnie." he said smiling.

"Yah! I'm your hyung too you rascal." Jimin scowl but still smiling.

Jungkook giggle. "But I'm taller than you now hyung." he said patting Jimin's head.

I'm just looking at them. I felt something burn inside me. A pang inside my chest. The way Jimin look at our youngest member. It's full of admiration. The way he looked on that girl at the park when we first met her is the same how he look at Jungkook right now.

Yeah Jungkook is not the same lanky kid as before. He's much taller now, build some muscles and all. He looks different in a very good way.

'Am I jealous? Do I like Jimin more than a friend? more than a brother? This can't be. I never doubt my sexuality before. I liked girls. But why am I like this? Why with my best friend? My soft, sweet, adorable Jimin. This really can't be. I need to think straight.' I said to myself.


Slowly I drifted myself away from Jimin. No more cuddling. No more playing. No more anything. Even after we debuted. I always hang around with Jungkook or Jin hyung or Hobi hyung. I thought this way I can forget whatever feelings I have for my best friend.

That's what I thought and I was wrong. My feelings grew even if I tried everything to stop it.

But at least now I can endure the pain of him, always clinging on Jungkook, him playing and cuddling with Hobi hyung, him, hugging and seeking advice from Jin hyung. He didn't even dare to ask me what happened to us. He just let it go, he let me go.

We're still friends though, still sharing food, he's still protecting me, encourage me. Maybe he thought I don't like him now. I told him to stop touching me. I even called him a pervert just for him to stop.

The truth is I like it whenever he's touching me. His soft hands petting my head, rubbing my thighs, even those unintended skinship we had.

I still love him up to this day. I'm just good at hiding it I guess.

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