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*a little much more earlier that day*

Jungkook's POV

"Jimin and Taehyung are still sleeping? Tsk. We only have thirty minutes to prepare. We are so in trouble again. Why are they like this? I told them to sleep early.." Namjoon hyung said while putting his jacket, disappointed at his dongsaengs.

I put down my phone and stood up. "I'll wake them up," I volunteered and made my way to their room.

"Slap their assface if needed!," I heard Yoongi hyung shouted that made me smile. 'Slapping Jiminie hyung's ass? Not a bad idea' I mentally said, inappropriate things playing inside my head.

I knocked twice before entering their room and saw Jimin sitting up, still half asleep.

"Oh! You're awake. You need to prepare fast hyung," I said and come near him. But as I was a few feet away from him I was tripped on something and landed on top of Jimin. And to make it worse, my fucking lips landed on his lips too. His soft, plump and irresistible lips.

But as much as I want to enjoy the moment, to my dismay, he pushed me hard and my butt meet the floor with a bang. I groaned in pain and shouted at him. "What the hell Jimin?!."

"S-sorry. I was shocked. Forget about it. It was just an accident," he stuttered and stood up. "What to do? What to do?.." he mumbled to himself.

"Yeah, right I need to prepare. I'm taking a bath," he whispered then walk out of the room then came back. "I forgot my towel."

He ran out of the room after getting what he need. And I just sat there touching my lips, a smile slowly forming on it. I looked around and saw the reason why we accidentally kissed. Those earphones of him. I picked it up and kissed it saying thank you for I don't know how many times. I got out of the room forgetting to wake up the still sleeping Taehyung.


*that night*

Jimin decided to have a walk on a nearby park. He need some fresh air and to think alone. And he can't think peacefully with Taehyung, Hoseok and even Yoongi keep on bugging him.

He sat on a bench and stare at the night sky. So silent and peaceful, a perfect place to think and just to kill your time.

"Did you like it?." Jimin shrieked and jump from a voice behind him. He quickly turn around just to see a dark faced Jungkook staring at him.

"Y-yah! Why'd you do that?! Aishh! And what do you mean i liked it?!," he started and sit again as if nothing happened.

Jungkook sat beside him and replied. "The kiss. Did you like it?"

"What kiss?," the older asked and turn his gaze up to the sky.

"The kiss. The kiss that they gave you. Did you like it? Did you like kissing by just anybody?!," Jungkook hissed. Trying to control his anger.

Jimin stood up which made the younger to stand up as well. "What?! I didn't want them to kiss me. They just did it. And what is it to you if liked it huh?!"

"But we kissed earlier too! Isn't that enough?! Am I not enough to you that you shared a kiss with everyone else?!," Jungkook shouted.

"What are you saying?! I don't need to explain to you!" Jimin raised his voice and turned around to leave the younger. But Jungkook grabbed his hand and pulled him. He tightly gripped the back of his neck and planted him a harsh kiss, too harsh for his liking. The older tried to push Jungkook but the latter didn't bulge and still kissed him harshly.

Jungkook pulled himself away when Jimin didn't kissed him back. "Was that enough?," he asked, he still looks mad which made Jimin scared. This is the first time he saw him like this. "Oh I think that wasn't enough," he said and kissed him again.

This time the older gave in and returned the kiss. His hand wrapped around Jungkook's neck while the other hand buried itself on the younger one's hair.

Jungkook smirked in between their kisses and snake his left hand on Jimin's waist while his right hand grabbed the older's butt.

Jimin suddenly froze when he saw an image of crying Taehyung and sad Hoseok inside his head. He quickly pushed the younger. "I-I can't.." he stuttered.

"Why?" Jungkook asked, a little shocked and disappointed at the same time.

"I-I don't want to hurt Tae and Hobi hyung," Jimin mumbled while looking at his feet. Too embarrassed to meet the younger one's gaze.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows. "How about you? Can you be selfish for now? I know you liked it. You still have feelings for me," he said and the smaller of the two answered him with a shake of his head.

"Then how about me? How about my feelings? Have you consider mine?!" Jungkook snapped and his tears started to fall.

Jimin looked at him, eyes full of hatred. "Well Jungkook, have you considered mine before? Huh?! Did you consider my feelings when you dismissed me like I'm nothing? When you always pushed me away? When you said that I'm disgusting?!."

"B-but I-I..," the younger tried to answer but Jimin cut him off.

"You didn't Jungkook," he answered his own leaving their maknae and run away from him.

Jungkook just stared at his retreating back mumbling "I won't give up Jimin. Not yet. You're mine. Only mine.."


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