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3k reads. I'm crying T.T
Thank you and sorry for not updating last week. I had this chapter ready but I'm not satisfied with it. I think it's lacking. I don't know :( so to make up with that I'll post a new chapter tomorrow :)

Jungkook's POV

It's been almost a month now since Jiminie hyung was discharged from the hospital. What he did first? Spend a f*cking day with Hoseok hyung!

I always buy him food and what he did? Share it with Taehyungie hyung!! I bought those only for him!

Why he's always with Yoongi hyung? Are they a thing now? I don't mind though, seriously. I don't mind if everyone is flirting with him!

He's warm with everyone but always frowning when I'm around. He's acting weird lately. I always caught him staring at me but whenever I approached him, he's cold as ice. I remember when he pulled my pants during our comeback. He touched my crotch and it gave me this heat I only felt when I-

I shook my head. Stop it Jeon Jungkook!

I quickly searched for the person I know can help me on whatever this is.. Jin hyung.


I found Jin hyung relaxing inside his shared room with Yoongi hyung. Good thing the latter was out and still working on his newly composed lyrics.

I gently knocked at his widely open door. "Hyung.."

He looked up and sat up from his bed. "Oh Kookie. Come in," he said gesturing his hand.

"Sorry for disturbing.. But can I ask you something?" I sheepishly asked when after sitting in front of him.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Uhmmm. How should I start.." I scratch the back of my head and continue. "Do you.. do you like someone hyung?"

He raised an eyebrow before he answered. "Yes I like someone. Why do you ask?"

"What do you feel around the person you like hyung?" I asked trying to hide the innocence about this things.

"Oh.." he slowly looked at nothing like he's day dreaming. "First.. when he's around my stomach feels weird. Like there's something moving inside it.

Then I always do everything to be noticed. Always want to be around. Getting jealous of other people.

That person always pop up in my head every time. Like when I'm eating, before sleeping, even when taking a shower.. but that's a different story. Let's leave it like that.

There are many more things and it'll take us forever if I wrote them in a list. Anyway why are you asking? Does our little Kookie like someone now? Who is it?"

"Is it Jiminie hyung?" I asked too quickly which earned a chuckle from him. "So.. you do like him.."

He looked at me weirdly and shrugged. "Well I do like Jiminie" I frowned at his answer. "He's sweet. Always acting tough but failing, which is cute. He's a motivator. And on top of all that, he's a warm morning sunlight that energizes everyone with his cheerfulness. But I don't feel anything weird in my tummy with him."

I sighed in relief. "And I know three people who likes him that way. I think they're making a move since Jimin is moving on from you."

"Mwo?!" I exclaimed. Raising my voice unintentionally which made Jin hyung jump. "Moving on?! That means he likes me too?!" I shook his shoulder with a big smile plastered on my face.

"Yah!" He pushed me lightly. "Why are you happy? I said he's moving on."

"It doesn't matter. I always caught him staring at me so I think he still likes me." I confidently replied.

"Don't get too cocky Jungkookie.." he said shaking his head. "Wait.. I thought you hate Jimin?"

"That's what I thought too. But after hearing what you've said, I think I understand now. That weird feelings I had when he's touching me. The anger I had whenever he's ignoring me and when he's too clingy with you and the other hyungs."

"Oh.." he nodded. Then good luck."

"Thank you hyung." I stood up and walked out of his room, not minding my manners again.

'What should I do now? Should I confess? How? Aish.. I should've ask hyung about that too. Tsk.'


Jimin'S POV

I saw Jin hyung and Jungkook talking, it seems like they're on a serious conversation. And no, I didn't eavesdrop this time. Though I really want to, I reminded myself that I have nothing to do with Jungkook anymore.

I turned around just to bumped on a wall. No. I am certain that wall can't groan.

"Ohmpp. My chest!" Namjoon hyung murmured.

"Sorry hyung. I didn't noticed you," I apologized then excused myself.

"Oh Jimin~ah. I was actually looking for you. Can we talk?" he said.

I looked back at him and shrugged. "Sure. About what hyung?"

"In my room." He said with a serious tone which made me uncomfortable.

I don't remember anything bad I did. Maybe because I didn't eat last night? But I'm really full because me, Tae and Hobi hyung had a snack before going home. Aish. I really fu*king hate it when they're worried about my health. I feel like I'm a responsibility of the whole group.

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