Chapter 1: Monsters Emerge From The Underground

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I sit and watch the news, the monsters that our ansestors had trapped hundreds of years ago have returned and are now overflowing onto the surface. I smile as I know that my town is closest to the mountain that housed the monsters, I saw the crowd walk through town yesterday actually. At first I was terrified but then one of the monsters had a human child walking beside them which had calmed me and everyone else down, apparently the kids name is Frisk . They've appointed the kid as Communication Minister which confused me greatly, he's just a kid!

"I am King Asgore of the monsters. We do not wish to change your ways but to only accept us into your world. As king I only want what is best for my people and thanks to Frisk here-"

The camera moves down to show a striped shirted boy holding the kings hand, looking a little shy.

"-we will be able to learn about your ways and live in peace with you. We are many and are all..."

I begin to blank out of the conversation as several monsters begin waving behind the king, a cat and a crocodile. I had heard of the war between humans and monsters and I had hated every word of it, us humans pushed them into the underground because we were scared of their magic? I look down as a flash of green magic comes from my hand. I wonder if it's safe to tell people now? It's best that I don't for now as humans are known to repeat past mistakes. I continue watching the screen as cameras switch between views to show different monsters, I awed when I saw an armless dinosaur monsaur fell face first on the ground but quickly got up and continues walking with a smile on his face. The pictures continued throughout the night and I saw each monster on it but from the massive crowd there must have been heaps that I didn't see.

Two Years Later

I finally got here, college. Years of suffering through friendlessness school days to finally get here, i'm relieved but the sights around me depress me. Young adults hugging their parents, getting embarrased by them and even a few who are being dragged by a younger sibling towards the main building. I have no family and during school I never had friends, many would call it lonely but it helped with grades. Without the distractions of friends and family I had all the time in the world to study, only Truman was there to have three words a day with since he had always left early and came back to his home at midnight. He looked after me since the orphanage nearby shut down but everyday was usually just me alone, good since that was around the time the magic began stirring. My left hand glowed with green as I telepathically move objects, set them alight or crush them from the end of the hallway. My thoughts get directed away as I see several monsters walk up to the college building, new here like me. They'll probably take lodgings here like most others but I plan on getting an apartment as it would leave me with peace and quiet, I had already sent my resume to several places nearby.

The cheapest apartment close enough to the college to walk was a three bedroom and one bathroom. I'm renting it alone which is hard as my job doesn't pay me enough as is, i'm living off of two small meals a day of lettece and slices of ham. My landlady is nice and says that she can lower it but only for a month and says that I should get some flat mates. The bedroom doors are facing each other, a small kitchen and a semi large lounge room to have people living here, i'm dreading it but I have no other choice. On my laptop I pull up the Cruggs list to put an ad up with several rules in the description like no walking around naked, no parties without permission, no loud noises during the middle of the night, stuff like that. As I post the ad I collapse onto the couch and look at my laptop with distaste, hopefully I don't get some duchebags replying to it. As I lay on the couch I realise how tired I am and I feel my eyes begin to close as blackness covers my mind.

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