Chapter 12: This Pun Will Be The Death Of Me

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My hand begins tingling just as the lyrics begin writing themselves on a parchment in my mind. The scratching of pencil rings through my ears along with the familiar sound of Papyrus banging pans while making speghetti in the background. I smile as I face Asriel, his face contorted into confusion.

"Turn around 'KID', it'd be a crime,
If I had to go back on the promise that I made for them,
So don't step over that line,
Or else, Flowey, you're gonna have a bad time."

"But 'kids' like you don't play by the rules,
And girls like me,
It ain't easy to be played for fools,
So let's go, let the room get chiller..."

The tingling in my hand has now become more of a numb sensation and something inside me says to click my fingers. The sound vibrates around the cave as an aqua fire surrounds my hand. Asriel looks at me in utter surprise as a skeletal head glows aqua above him.

"Lets go dirty brothers killer."

He quickly dispatches the skeletal head and begins swinging his dual swords at me. With each dodge there was a lyric energizing me to continue fighting. I remember what Undyne told me about 'LOVE', it's a type of emotional detatchment. All I have to do, is reattach it to Asriel.

"Go ahead and try to hit me if you're able,
Guess you've figured now that mercy's off the table.
I can tell you're getting really sick of trying,
But I think you're just mad i'm not dying."

"You're not gonna win, we'll be here together,
Fighting in this judgement hall forever.
I know you'll reset once the day is over,
But I'll always be right back here to beat ya."

As I mention 'reset' his face reacts for a second but it quickly returns to anger, his attacks are becoming more and more rage induced with less thought put into them.

"I know you're made of love,

Again his attacks become more eradic with each swipe, so I decide to create more skeletal heads to try and weaken him. With each I create I feel my knees weaken but I make sure not to show it as too much is at stake...

"This is where it stops,
This is where it ends.
If you want to kill me,
Well, you better try again."

"But no matter how I dodge you,
You don't give up your attack.
Do you just like the feeling
Of your sins crawling on your back?"

I begin running circles around him, over and over again.

"Go ahead and try to hit me if you're able.
You should know by now that mercy's off the table.
Think that I will try to spare you like I'm some pawn?"

I jump high into the air, higher than humanly possible, and land on the back of his head. The force prepels him into the ground face first. I quickly jump off him before he regains his posture.

"Well, you didn't spare the brothers, so GET DUNKED ON!"

He snarls at me but I let out a laugh at my words as he throws more and more of his attacks at me.

"I know you made my friends all disappear,
But everything they cared about is why I'm here.
I am their mercy,
I am their vengeance,

I still have so much stuff that I want to do with my friends... I want to go to the beach with them, show them landmarks across the world and maybe even go to a comedy club with Sans...

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