Chapter 13: The Sense Of Relativity

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I hear the faint beeping of machines and the feeling of a comfortable bed. I open my eyes to see a blurry world around me, a yellow moving blob is at the other end of the room. As it became clearer I also heard the murmerings of a shy monster who I quickly realise is Alphys.


She quickly turns to my voice and smiles widely.

"Duska... your..."

Alphys runs up and throws her arms around me. Being on the bed makes it a bit awkward as she hugs me from the side, but it seems to make her smile while tears run down her cheeks.

"Why are you crying Alphys?"

"I... I thought... that y-you'd never wake u-up..."

"Why'd you think that?"

"Y-you've been unconscious f-for a m-month."

I pull her away from me as I stare at her face, my arms hurt after from lack of movement. I stare into her eyes, looking for the lie, but I never find it.

"A... a month!?!"

"Y-yes. Undyne carried y-you out of the Underground and took you h-home. You didn't wake up f-for three days so Sans and P-papyrus brought you here, to my lab. I put life support on y-you which was a good idea since..."

"Since what Alphys?"

"Um... y-your heart stopped. T-twice. If Papyrus hadn't have brought you here w-when he did..."

I lean further into the pillow. I had become so close to dying, infront of Papyrus and Sans no less. I hear Alphys move something and I sit back up to her moving a screen towards my direction.

"I... uh... also d-did something else..."


"I... I took some blood... f-for a DNA test... t-to find y-your family..."

"I've had a DNA test before. They couldn't find a match."

"That's b-because the monster DNA changes the human DNA a little bit... I just had to s-seperate them and fill in the blanks..."

Two DNA strands appear on the screen that Alphys had faced towards me earlier. One has a series of numbers beside it and the other has a picture of a woman. Her hair is black but short and curly and her eyes are of a lighter blue than mine. Her lips were more average shaped than mine were as well.

"Is that...?"

"That's y-your mother... I found her address a-and i've written it down f-for you..."

"Thank you Alphys. But for today I just want be with my friends."

Her face lights up and she pushes the screen away to reveal the door that it had blocked from view.

"Everyone's asleep outside. Mettaton canceled a bunch of shows a-and Sans hasn't left the building once. Toriel took Frisk to school f-for the first two weeks but now she just teaches him here."

"So... everyone's just stayed outside the door for the past few weeks!?!"

"Yeah, everyone's b-been worried about you."

She quietly opens the door and I see Papyrus quietly asleep opposite to me. Alphys turns and smiles as she walks into the room. I try and push myself up with my right arm but pain bursts through it, I quickly clamp my mouth shut so that no one gets worried. I again try to push myself up but I use my left arm this time, it hurts slightly but i'm able to get myself into a sitting position. Cords come from my nose and I decide to pull them out, I want to be able to breathe on my own. It feels strange as the cord comes up my throat and out my nose, I gag once but I manage to chuck it out of view. A clamp is attached to my pointer finger but I decide to keep this on, in case my heart stops again.

The New Life Of Duska Rose: An Undertale Fanfic - (UNCOMPLETED XP)Where stories live. Discover now