Chapter 24: Corn

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Now that my magic is no longer trying to destroy me from the inside, Sans and I return to building the machine. He seems to be getting more and more tired, as if he's losing hope. As he drops a screwdriver he stares at it with black eye sockets, I finally snap.

"Sans! What the hell is wrong!?! Why won't you just tell someone why your giving up!?!"

He continues to blankly stare at the screwdriver below him as if it's the last thing in the world. I drop my pliers and walk over to him, stomping the entire way. I grab his shoulders and make sure that he looks at me before talking.

"Sans, tell me why your losing hope."

"i've done this so many times... why would it be different this time?"

"You said so yourself, I never was in any other timeline. If i'm new, why can't the machine being fixed be new?"

"what if it isn't? frisk can't reset, it'll be my last chance..."

"Then take the chance! Better to take what you have then to throw it away! Come on Sans, i'm here with you."

His eye glows blue for half a second but it dies down as he begins tearing up.

"why... why did he leave... papyrus was devastated... he cried for weeks..."

"Sometimes you can't control these things..."

The orphanage, my mother, the continued bullying... I couldn't have controlled any of these things.

"... but you just have to push through it. That there is my entire life story."

"heh... sorry kid."

"It's fine. Come on, we're still a day or two away from finishing."

He quickly returns into his usual mood after wiping away those few tears, wanting to be lazy but can't in fear that he'll never pick up his work again. More countless hours pass until the final piece is in place, now all we need is the snow for fuel.

"hey bro."


We had teleported right behind Papyrus as he cooks speghetti in the Snowdin home. The sound of Sans' voice had frightened Papyrus so much that he threw the speghetti into the air and it landed on his head. Sans and I chuckled as he threw it all back into the bowl.


"nearly bro. we need the fuel now."


"All you need to do is fill the two large barrels outside with snow. Oh and the one inside."


"call anyone, i don't mind."

We watch as Papyrus runs into the loungeroom and begins calling everyone by the sound of it. Sans returns into his black eye sockets while he does so, his thoughts have been running rampart and I don't know if another speech could help him snap out of it. Not wanting him to stand in the middle of the kitchen I grab his hand and pull him outside and to the nearby river, hopefully a change of scenery could help. I release his hand and sit by the river, playfully splashing the cold water with a stick. Fish jump out and back into the water, it almost looks like a dance. A head suddenly appears from the water and it swims over to me.


"Don't be shy. What's your name?"

"U-uh... Shyren..."

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