Chapter 6: The Blank Eye

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I wake to the sound of snoring, Sans is on the floor leaning against the couch with his eye sockets closed. I put my hand up to the cloth on my left eye, it's made of a soft material. I sit up and rub away the sleep from my right eye, noticing how good I feel despite the beating I received. I throw my legs over the side of the couch, making sure not to wake Sans up, and stand. My legs slightly wobble but they don't seem as stressed as they did yesterday. As I begin walking towards the kitchen the familiar feeling of magic stirs up into my hand, I quickly hide it inside my jacket before the light wakes Sans up. I can't let him see this, he'll ask questions. I begin to breathe deeply as it has helped in the past, the light simmers down until it's no longer glowing. What the hell was that? My magic's never done that before...


"Oh, Sans!"

I walk out from the kitchen to where Sans was looking at me with worry and tiredness. I give him a smile as I open the fridge and fish out a can of lemonade.

"you alright?"

"My body aches a little but it's nothing too bad."

"how about your eye?"


Even when I move my right eye, I dont feel my left eye moving. I think that it might be permanently damaged.

"um!?! um what?"

"I don't really know."

"come here, i'll check it out."

I walk over as I take a sip from the can, the bubbles of fizz enter a cut in my mouth and I quickly set it down as my face scrunches up in pain.

"what happened?"

"I must have a cut in my mouth."

"let me see."

I show him the inside of my mouth which is a little awkward since i've technically only known him for week but he has quickly gained my confidence.

"two cuts, both on the meaty bits holding your teeth in place."

"Gums. Do you know much about human anatomy?"

"only the skeleton."

"I'd be scared if you didn't."

"heh heh. alright, show me your eye. tell me if it hurts."

He reaches behind my head and unties the cloth which then falls to the floor. His skeletal face makes it hard to know what he's feeling but the sudden lack of lights in his eyesockets scare me.


"if... he ever comes back... he's gonna... have a bad time..."


"who... the hell... would..."


His lights return to their normal positions and Sans lets out a sad sigh, it may be as bad as I thought. He stands and walks towards an end table and pulls out a handmirror from inside.

"you sure you wanna see it kid?"

"My morbid curiosity will make me see it eventually."

Again he sighs, he returns to my side and hands me the mirror upside down. He watches intently as I flip it over to the mirror side, the first thing I notice is the massive cut beside my left eye. As I open it I focus on what should be my pupil, it's only a big red mess of... something. I close my right eye, blobs of color mix with red and white.

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