Chapter 3: Jaw Dropping Talents

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My studies are over for the week as a snow storm is headed for town and they want to board up the school before tomorrow. Luckily enough the skeleton brothers should be arriving today and I would feel horrible if they came up in the middle of a snow storm. I carry my guitar in my right hand while I hold my portable keyboard under my left arm. I turn the corner and my apartment building comes into view, a large moving truck is parked out front with several people leaning against the truck. I continue walking but someone grabs my keyboard which makes me turn and snatch it away from them. A ragged man stands there with anger clearly written on his face, I look down and see something poking out strangely from inside the right coat pocket, it's silver and sharp.

"Gimme those and I may not kill you."

He was looking directly at my instruments, the one thing that I had bought with my own hard work and dedication to saving money.

"Leave me alone!"

I take a step back but the man takes one with me and grabs the wrist holding the guitar. He pulls his knife out into the open and begins waving it in my face menacingly. The glint in his eyes tell me that he's not afraid to kill.

"Let go!"

Instead of doing as I asked he grabs my wrist tighter, making my sensitive skin already develop a bruise. His face turns into a sneer as I try and pull my wrist away.


We both turn to the deep voice to see Sans standing in the alleyway, his left eye slightly glowing blue while the other is an empty hole of black. His smile and eyes make him look incredibly creepy.

"you better go."

"Or what monster!?!"

Sans' left hand glows blue as his eye intensifies, his infinite smile makes him look terrifying. His magic seems similar to my own.

"you'll have a bad time."

The man looks back between me and Sans but eventually he lets me go and runs quickly in the opposite direction. Sans stops glowing, returning to his normal state, and offers to take my guitar with a worried look on his face.

"want me to carry that? your wrist looks bruised."

"Um... yes. Thanks."

I pass him my guitar and we both head off inside to where a tall skeleton was carrying a lamp into the apartment.


"it's duska's. this is her papyrus."

The skeleton walks up to me and suddenly pulls me into a tight hug. Sans quickly takes my keyboard off of me before Papyrus has a chance to crush it along with my arm.


"Nice to... meet you..."

"hey pap, your crushing her."

Papyrus drops me and picks up the previously dropped lamp, luckily enough there isn't a light bulb in there or it would have shattered.


I look at Sans but he just shrugs and hands me back my keyboard before leading me inside, to where half of my furniture has been replaced with higher quality items.

"Sans... this stuff..."

"your couch and chairs looked dead so we put our stuff here. that cool?"

The New Life Of Duska Rose: An Undertale Fanfic - (UNCOMPLETED XP)Where stories live. Discover now