Chapter 31: Your L.O.V.E Doesn't Give You Common Knowledge

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(Chara is a horrible human being and so there of course will be swearing. Seriously though, die in a fire Chara.)


I feel the hybrid girl in the back of my new mind, she's locked in a cage that she cannot open. The fat bag of bones is staring directly at me, tears in his eyes, I decide to tease him a little. My right arm lifts slowly towards his face, he grabs it and puts it onto his wet cheekbone. He's gotten weak.

"don't leave me kid..."


He leans down closer so that he can hear my words, I grab the knife the girl had dropped earlier while he isn't watching.

"I... she already has."

Before i'm able to swipe i'm thrown to the other side of the long hallway with a blue aura surrounding me. Ooh how i've missed this!


"chara, let her go."

"He he... you'd like that wouldn't you?"

His grip on me gets stronger but he can't kill me this time, not without killing her forever.

"Can't kill me again, can you?"

It gets stronger again, but if he gets any stronger my lungs will collapse and we'll both die. I look over to Frisk and flash him a smile.

"Weird seeing the possesion isn't it Frisk?"

"Let her go!"

His small voice makes me laugh, it had sounded so much louder when I was possessing him! The blue aura fades and I land back onto solid ground. Seeing everyone together again... gives me the determination to kill them all over again! Then there's also two more monsters and another human soul to destroy as well! With Gaster the closest I run towards him but a shot of purple energy pushes me off the railing and down to the bottom floor, father like son huh? I stand as Toriel is the first down the stairs. She shoots fire at me but I easily dodge her and I slash my knife, she's pulled backwards which makes her only just miss my swing. I'm again pushed away but with the blue aura again.

"are you alright toriel!?!"

"I'm fine Sans."


His left eye flares up with a blue fire, the picture of so many perfect resets. He snarls as he must know what i'm remembering right now.

"Do you miss the good ol' times Sans?"

"where i killed you hundreds of times!?!"

"Nah. When I killed Papyrus hundreds of times."

His aura releases me and I run at him to try a slash. He teleports as I slash, slash, slash, slash! He just keeps moving! It seems to be taking longer to make him tired, he must have actually done something with his stupid little life!

"you ready to get dunked on?"

"HA! You know that you can't kill me! We share the same body, the same soul!"

"same body, sure. but she has her own soul."

"Keep believing that and you may live a few seconds longer."

More slashing, more teleporting, even more slashing, twice the number of teleporting... none of the others have dared to enter our fight, afraid to get in either of our ways. Our fight seems to be going on for hours, just like the old times.

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