Chapter 4: Movie Night Nightmare

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I leave the safety of my room to walk into a full room full of monsters, including the once King Asgore. With him there's a monster who looks like him but feminine, a tall fish lady with fiery red hair and an eye patch over her left eye, a yellow dinosaur only a bit taller than Sans is standing beside the fish lady and then there's a robot whos body is colored pink and black.


"Uh... hi. I'm Duska. Nice to meet you all."

"Hello dear, you seem nice. I'm Toriel."

"I am Asgore. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"I-i'm Alphys. D-do you like anime?"

The yellow dinosaur shyly asks from behind her fish friend who looks like she's judging me with her remaining eye.

"I've seen some but the only one I enjoyed was Deathnote."

"OH! I hated the ending! Light died from gunshot!?! Seriously!?!"

"Alphys, stop. Please."

"Oh. Sorry Undyne."

The fish lady walks up to me and offers me her hand. I take it and she begins squeezing harder and harder but I keep a straight face as we shake hands. As she pulls away she smiles and becomes less serious and more fun.

"I'm Undyne. I like you, you don't show pain. Or you have tough hands."

"Uh... thanks."

She gives me a punch on the arm and returns to Alphys side. Suddenly the door to the bathroom opens and a kid walks out of it, a human kid.

"This is Frisk. Frisk, this is Duska."

The kid gives me a shy wave and I return with my own. He comes over and sits on Toriels knee, tired from the drive I guess.

"He's tired. The weather was too loud for him to be able to sleep in the car."

"He can use my room. I just woke up so I probably won't sleep tonight."

She gives me a thankful smile and carries the half asleep child into my room. The robot man walks up to me as she enters the room, he had seemed to be studying me ever since I came out from my room. He must be Mettaton, the robotic body gives it away.

"So your the singer Papy told me about. From the drawings around here you must love art too."

"Yeah, all the ones in here are mine."

"Yours honey!?! If it is true you are a wonderful artist! How about you become my personal artist?"

"Um... no thank you. I don't really know what I want to be after college."

"Your in college?"

Toriel returns from the bedroom, shutting the door quietly behind her, and sits down back in her place on the sofa. 

"Yes, I only have a year left of music and art history."

"That's wonderful dear! Your parents must be so proud!"

"Um... maybe..."

"Of course they would be. Why did you say maybe dear?"

"I've never known my parents. The man who looked after me never really... looked after me either."

The monsters all went still faced, all smiles were quickly wiped from their faces. Except Sans with his perpetual smile, but it still seems to falter a bit.

The New Life Of Duska Rose: An Undertale Fanfic - (UNCOMPLETED XP)Where stories live. Discover now