Chapter 17: Sans' Thoughts

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Resets. Frisk had promised that there will be no more resets. But now i've encountered new events, things that haven't even been hinted at in those thousands of lives that i've lived. I had never met Duska and so it took me a while to think about moving into her apartment but I don't regret it. Papyrus seems happy, Frisk seems happy, I even feel a little happier. But i'm so afraid... what if... Chara returns and enters this timeline? He may... kill someone and make Frisk reset us back into the Underground, I don't think i'll be able to handle being trapped in there again after so long. The thought of hearing Duska suffer through so much again, but I could save her from at least a small amount of that suffering...

"no... that's... too cruel..."

I hear my words ring throughout the empty forest of Snowdin as i'm using Papyrus' old training area to raise my HP. I want to protect both Papyrus and Duska from anyone who tries to harm them. I think i'm getting feelings for Duska, seeing her sleep is one the most cutest things that i've ever seen. Wow, that even sounds creepy to me. I feel sweat entering my eye sockets and my nose hole, by now it feels normal but most others would find it weird, and I realise that my HP is at seventeen.

"that... was... quick..."

I know that I have a pun somewhere in my skull but i'm too tired to really think of one. I really want to raise my Hit Points, I want to make sure that no one I care about dies in this timeline.

"no... more... re... sets..."

I hit the tree harder than before, the tree has cracks from where Papyrus had once rammed into it. Undyne had one day dragged him out here and told him to ram the tree for hours on end, he returned home with a cracked shoulder. I remember going to Undyne's house and threatening her to make sure that Papyrus stayed safe, luckily in every timeline she liked Papyrus as a friend. As I ram the tree again a blur of black and white race past my vision, I ready myself to dodge anything that comes at me.

"come... out... un... less... you want... a... bad time..."

I know that my heavy breathing wouldn't be too threatening but whoever was here knew me then they should know to come out. Another blur races at the edge of my vision, I notice that the white is high above the ground while the black covers the remainder of the moving blur.

"who... is there...?"

Nothing moves this time, the forest around me remains quiet besides my heavy breathing. I wait there until my breath returns to normal and I go back to ramming the tree, but with my opposite shoulder this time.

"they'd kill me if i got home with a cracked shoulder."

I continue doing this until the egg timer I borrowed from Toriel buzzes, it's eleven forty-five. I stop hitting the tree and sit down onto the soft snow, my jacket is laying to the right of me. Papyrus had given it to me when we were young, he was wearing it when he said I looked cold. I answered that I must be 'chilled to the bone' but instead of yelling my name he gave me the jacket. I was so surprised, he always wore the jacket, but once we had gotten home and I had tried to hand it back he said that it suited me more anyway. Because of his kindness I had searched around the Waterfall and the Hot Lands for something that would suit Papyrus. It took me a full year before finding that scarf that he never takes off from his person, if he does change clothing he keeps it tied around his spine. 

"your awesome bro..."

Ever since dad left us it's just been me and Papyrus. He had told me how weird it was when we moved in with Duska, but after a few nights he had began to love living with her. And I truly felt the same.

(i used to think that to gain HP you have to train a bunch)
(it sounds dumb to me now :P)
(but the chapter is important-ish to the plot)
(so please don't yell at me)

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