Chapter 8: Stirring Up Memories

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I watch as Undyne smashes my cooking pot, throwing the remains of speghetti pieces into every direction possible. The remains of the cooking pot lands across the floor, burnt pieces stick to bits of speghetti.

"Undyne... seriously!?!"

"It needed stirring!"

"You destroyed my only cooking pot."


"Not unless there's a shop around here somewhere that sells cooking pots at one in the morning."

"Is there!?!"


"Don't raise my hopes like that!"

"It's your own fault Undyne."

The two look sad as their cooking sesion is now over, Sans and I are extremely relieved though. The two have been trashing my kitchen from almost the minute Undyne arrived... which was at six in the afternoon.

"So... you got anything else to do?"

"Not really, my DVD player broke so we can't even watch a movie."

"how about you sing again?"

I look down at the smirking skeleton beside me but now Papyrus is clapping exitedly while Undyne looks at me with an expression of judgment.

"How good are you really? Papyrus likes it but i've never heard it."


"Fine, just don't blame me if I get a note wrong. I'm still getting used to the eye patch."

My eye has been covered for a week now, the surgery was apparently a success but I can't see it yet. I run into walls and steps a lot so now Sans technically follows me around to make sure i'm not too badly hurt, apparently he has a lot of breaks. A bass drum sits beside my keyboard to put a beat in some of my songs, now what to play?

"What sort of song do you want?"

"A violent one!"

Undyne jumps in enthusiasm as she yells her suggestion. I shake my head but I start searching through my lyric book for an appropriate song for her. The only violent song i've got isn't even halfway completed!

"Sorry Undyne, I haven't written one yet."

"how about your favourite."

"My favourite?"


"Uh... alright then. I need to use a music player for the guitar and other instruments though."

"It's fine! Just play it!"

"Okay then. You win, i'll play."

I look down at the keyboard as I make sure my fingers are in the proper position, then I nod to Sans to press play on the music player.

"He stumbled into faith and thought:

God, this is all there is.

The pictures in his mind arose

And began to breathe.

And all the gods and all the worlds began colliding on a backdrop of blue."

"Blue lips,

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