Chapter 27: A Duet With Feeling

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They've been in there for three hours now! How long does it take to practising singing!?! You're just talking in a pretty way. Frisk is asleep in one of the upstairs rooms while the rest of us play board games while we wait, Monopoly makes no sense to me. I hear footsteps and I jump up hoping that it's the human or Sans, but it's only Frisk.

"Still nothing?"


"QUIET PAPYRUS! They could probably hear you yelling!"


She stands up and pushes her face uncomfortably close to min. She's still terrifying.

"You wanna mess with me!?!"

I stay quiet and still and she turns around to join Alphys side again. I throw a bone which she easily dodges even with her back turned, it's either Undyne beating me up or me being bored. She smiles at my attack and jumps onto me, I quickly push her off me and make a circle of bones to surround me. Her smile grows wider as she summons a blue spear, maybe this was a bad idea.


"You think you've got it?"

"yeah, i may be a bonehead but i've got a good memory."

I shake my head at his pun and open the door, only to be pulled away as a blue spear flies past me and digs itself into the far wall, barely missing my chello that I don't know how to play. I look back out the door to see Papyrus and Undyne fighting, bones are etched into the walls while everyone not in the fight is hiding behind the turned over couch. A blue aura surrounds the two and seperates them.

"what did you do papyrus?"


"You could have used the backyard."

"Wait, there's a backyard?"

I facepalm as I look around the ruined loungeroom, there are holes and broken objects everywhere. I feel a tap on my arm, Sans is reassuring me with a smile.

"don't worry, i'll pay for damages. this is our new house."

"Which was destroyed before we even moved in."

I can sense that Sans really wants to avoid singing in front of an audience, but I really want to hear his voice with the music!

"You guys listening or not?"

Everyone rushes in as to answer my question, Sans only blushes harder.

"Will it be worth it?"

"depends. you a good kisser?"

"I don't know."

I push him in before someone calls us, it would be better for him to just get it over and done with. He stands on the far side microphone while I stand at the one that's closer to the door. He puts on the headphones and his hoodie over it, he looks cool like that.



"You'll do fine."

I give him a small smile as he hides his eye sockets beneath his hood. 

"Toriel, could you press the blue button labeled 'recording' please?"

I'm unable to hear into the adjacent room but music plays in my ears which tell me she pressed it. 

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