Chapter 25: A Bad Drama Episode Two

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I've been awake for around ten minutes now, I haven't gotten up because of how comfortable this bed is. I haven't even bothered to open my eyes. I hear banging from what seems to be outside, am I in the Snowdin home? I slowly open my eyes, only to see the closed eye sockets of Sans.


I whisper it quietly, I had fallen asleep and Papyrus had wanted us both to be comfortable and he put us in the same bed. I'm really too tired to care, i've been working for days and sleep seems to be a good way out of it. I close my eyes again but a slight pressure on my nose opens them.

"sans 'NOSE' when your awake..."

He sings the words as if it's apart of 'Santa Claus is coming to town', his voice sounds really nice. I cross my eyes to see a bony pointer finger directly on my nose and his smile much larger than usual.

"I just woke up..."

"you've been up for a while, your breathing changed."

"You've been listening to my breathing?"

"nothin' else to do."

I sigh as I look at his lights which act as pupils.

"You can remove your finger now."

"but what if the glue worked?"

I roll my eyes and sit up, we seem to be in Sans' old room. The room is empty besides the bed and a lone table in the opposing corner.

"i like the new room better."

"Only because it has stuff in it."

I walk over to the door and open it slightly, to listen for noises, and I notice Sans beside me.

"what are you doing?"

"There were noises, I want to know if their inside or not."

He walks past me without a word and heads outside. I slowly follow him but I haven't entirely woken up yet and so I drag my feet across the floor, nearly falling over my own feet three times before reaching it. I open the door to receive a rush of cold air against my exposed skin, Papyrus must have removed my jacket before putting me in bed. Too lazy to retreive my jacket I walk out into the snow and head towards the back of the house. The sudden sound of electrical currents jump my out of my drowziness, it's coming from the backroom.

"move papyrus!"

I begin running through the shin-height snow, hoping to get inside before anything bad happens. The open door shows that someone activated the machine and it's absorbing the magic from the snow and using the water it creates to cool it down. Papyrus is holding his left arm while Sans stands in front of him, hand glowing blue. Everyone else is standing behind them, all watching the scene occur. I quickly push them aside to reach Sans' side, watching the machine in case something goes wrong.

"it's... working..."

"How do you know?"

"the noise... it's sounds so familiar..."

The machine began making popping and fizzing noises, everyone besides Sans and I moved backwards to avoid it's possible explosion.

"S-s-sans! It's going t-to blow!"

He doesn't answer Alphys but instead runs over to the machine and begins messing with it. With each button he pressed and levers he pulled the machine seemed to react in a different way, a change in noise or the way the lights blinked. Suddenly the glass pane released a flash of light and I feel someone pull me down to protect me from the blast. Blue fabric is the only thing I see but I feel boney fingers keep me still. The light disappears and I feel the boney fingers removed from me.

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