Chapter 23: Breathless Void

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I have filled twelve wheelbarrow, thirteen barrels, thirty two bottles and seven flower pots with snow. Sans and Duska will be so proud of me! Each thing with now in it is sitting just outside our home, if it goes inside it will just melt. Every now and again I see either my brother or the human leave the backroom to build another metallic thing to come out of the building, but I haven't seen them in a while. I decide to check on them because I would be a horrible monster not to!


As I open the door I see the two of them sitting with their backs on the wall. Duska's head is resting ontop of Sans, it's adorable! I try my hardest to hold in a squeal as I close the door, I don't want to wake them!

"Hey skull face!"


"Says the one who's yelling!"

I quickly cover my mouth and begin moving the barrels closer to the back door since they would be too heavy for everyone else!


My head feels comfortable on whatever I had slept on, I don't remember falling asleep but I eventually had. I open my eyes for them to fall onto the machine in front of me, it's only half finished. 

"hey kid, my skull comfortable?"

I sit up quickly to see that I was in fact using Sans' head as a pillow, his skull is surprisingly comfortable.

"Yeah... sorry..."

"no worries, i've been awake for awhile. it must be true that tall people sleep 'longer'."

I giggle quietly at his joke as I stand and stretch my limbs to be rid of the tiredness. Sans stands too but he heads out the door, most likely to check on Papyrus. I decide to head out as well, the metal room is damaging my ability to think. The house is the only thing lit in Snowdin which makes the place a little creepy. We both stop once we see the barrels, wheelbarrows, bottle and flower pots of snow, when Papyrus is set on something he certainly does it. As we enter the house we're immediately bombarded with questions, everyone is here. Frisk, Toriel, Asgore, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Flowey and Papyrus are all sitting in the loungeroom.

"Are you two alright!?!"

"What have you two been doing!?!"

"D-do you n-need help?"

"Your a bad influence Sans!"

"Darlings! Are you both feeling ok?"


Sans and I stand there as they continue overlapping each other. Sans suddenly grabs my hand and i'm teleported onto the couch.

"can we relax? we've been working for a while. you could say we've been working..."


"... a 'skele-ton'."


Papyrus runs out of the house just as Sans turns the TV on, static is the only thing that comes on since the Underground no longer has any shows on.

"this is boring."


Toriel slowly walks to us and stares into Sans' eyes. 

"You've been working more than anyone has ever seen you before. Are you sure your alright?"

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