Chapter 22: The Machine

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Ever since I told Sans and Papyrus about Gaster they haven't come back home. It's been two weeks, they've apparently been sleeping in their old house in Snowdin. My course finished yesterday, I didn't get good scores because the brothers were all on my mind. All i've been doing is sitting on the couch, missing eating speghetti and Sans' jokes.

"I'm an idiot."

"That's all you've said for the past two weeks."

"Cause i'm an idiot."

"Yes, i've noticed."

Flowey is the only one who's kept me company, everyone else has been too busy to visit. I don't blame them, I had done a horrible thing to the brothers. My eyes begin to droop as sleep clouds my mind. 

Blackness returns, it's been the same dream for the past fortnight. All there is is the darkness of an empty void. I walk around the void, waiting for Gaster to return so that I can right the wrong I did. I want to bring him back so that Sans and Papyrus come home, I miss them so much. White appears in the distance and I sprint towards it, is tonight the night? 


"Hello. Duska."

"Is it tonight? Can I bring you back!?!"

"Maybe. It. Will. Be. Difficult. Sans. Is. Working. On. My. Old. Machine."

"Your machine? Did it go wrong while you were working on it?"

"Yes. It. Was. Supposed. To. Bring. A. Monsters. Soul. Together. Once. It. Dies. Instead. It. Sent. Me. Into. The. Void."

"Where's your machine?"

"Behind. Their. House. The. Door. Will. Be. Unlocked."

I suddenly begin moving away from him but he reaches out and grabs my sleeve before i'm out of reach. Knowing that he has more to say I grab his sleeve with both hands, allowing him to sign to me.

"Sans. Will. Meet. You. There. Convince. Him. That. You. Can. Help."

"I'll try."

The void yanks him out of my grasp and i'm thrown back into the endless darkness.

I wake with a start, scaring Flowey and making him jump in his pot. 

"DAMN! You scared me!"

"I guessed that. Come on, we have to go to Snowdin."

"Snowdin!?! I hate the snow!"

"Too bad. I have to bring back Gaster."

"From the void? How the hell are you going to do that!?!"

"I don't know. But I will."

I quickly threw some somewhat warm clothes on, put Flowey's pot in my backpack and headed for the closest bus station to take me to the Underground. The entire time we were on the bus Flowey was questioning why we absolutely had to bring Gaster back, and I always answered with 'I have to make it up to Sans and Pap'. They were the closest thing that I had to a family, along with Flowey. Once I said that I considered Flowey as apart of my family he quickly stopped talking. The bus drops me off at the Underground entrance and I begin walking through the area called New Home to get to the Hotlands, Waterfall then Snowdin. Once we reach the Hotlands I pull Flowey out of my bag and water him every few minutes which I can see he secretly appreciates. From wanting to brutally murder the living flower to caring for him, i've changed a lot. I keep him out for a few minutes once we reach Waterfall but I put him back in my bag once it starts raining heavily, I don't want him to drown.

The New Life Of Duska Rose: An Undertale Fanfic - (UNCOMPLETED XP)Where stories live. Discover now