Chapter 14: Reminds Me Of A Bad Drama

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"are you sure about this?"

"I want to know why Sans."

A four hour drive from Alphys Lab was where the address of my mother led us to. Sans and Papyrus had joined me for the trip, I had walked for the first time in a month yesterday and the two wanted to make sure that I would be fine. Papyrus drove while Sans and I watched the scenery from the backseats, telling puns about almost everything we pass. The closer we get to the house the more afraid I am, what if she never wanted a child?What if she hated monsters and that's why she left me?

"she'll like ya kid. don't worry about it."

"I'll try... Can you pull up around the corner please Pap?"


"I... in case she... um..."

"hates monsters."

"No! She wouldn't hate monsters..."

Even though I don't answer Sans' questions Papyrus still pulls up around the corner from the house. I take a breath and lean back into my chair.

"go on, go say hi."

I gather another breath and quickly leave the car before I tell Papyrus to leave. I walk towards the house, it's a double story building. Does she have a family? I knock on the door before I gather a doubtful thought.

"Coming! I'm coming!"

Her voice sounds very calm and kind, but voices can sometimes deceive you. The noise of a lock makes me stand upright as the door flies open, the same woman from Alphys picture looks at me strangely.

"Um... hello. Who are you?"

"My name is Duska Rose. Are you Olivia Young?"

"That's me. Why are you here Ms Rose?"

I breathe in deeply, it's time.

"Nineteen years ago did you abandon a baby girl by the doors of an orphanage?"

Her face changes, not to one of surprise but of disgust.

"You! I left you there for a reason! Your... a monster!"

"I'm hybrid yes but..."

"Leave! I fell into the Underground and fell in love with a monster, but I had never wanted a baby! If the community finds out about you my reputation is gone!"

"Wait... your reputation? You abandoned me for your reputation!?! Not because you couldn't look after me or that you were too young for a child!?! But for your REPUTATION!?!"

Anger radiates through me, reputation!?! My hand lights up aqua, energy flowing through my veins. Fear appeared on my mothers face...

"You going to kill me now!?!"

Tears fell from her face, she was afraid of death.

"No. I'm not that type of monster, you're the monster here."

The magic stopped flowing and I begin walking away from the house of rejection.

"No one will ever except you! Your a freak of nature!"

The door slams shut as I continue to walk. I look at the reflection of myself using her metallic mailbox, making sure my face remains neutral. I don't want the brothers to be woried about me, i'll say that it was the wrong address. I feel their eye sockets on me as I enter the car.

"It was the wrong address guys."

"you sure?"

"The one who answered was a man and he's never heard of Olivia Young so... yeah..."

The New Life Of Duska Rose: An Undertale Fanfic - (UNCOMPLETED XP)Where stories live. Discover now