Chapter 29: Tia's Subtleness

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Everyone quickly warmed up to Tianna as she had almost immediately tackled Undyne but ended up hanging off of her arm while she looked threatingly at her. Undyne appreciated her courage and everyone else appreciated the fact that she was still alive after her encounter with Undyne's fist. Sans was too busy sleeping in Papyrus' car to actually meet her but I know that he will. We're now home after dropping everyone and their gifts off in their respective houses, they'll all come to our house on Christmas Eve for a sleepover. Now only Papyrus, Sans, Tia and I remain, the brothers are in Paps' car while Tia and I are in mine.

"So... your boyfriend likes to sleep."

"He's a lazy bones but he's extremely nice."

"That's good. And what's the deal between you and Sylin? He hugged you pretty tightly when we dropped him off."

"Well... he's my dad."

"So a monster adopted you?"

"What? No, I was adopted by a rich guy who never spent time with me. I'm a human-monster hybrid and he's my actual dad."

"Hybrids are real!?!"

"Well... yeah. How else do you explain the fact that my left hand and eye glows!?!"

"Uh... nature?"

"Well then, nature must be weird."

I pull up in the driveway to see Papyrus' car in front of me, neither of the brothers are in it. Tia helps me bring bags of presents into my bedroom before either of the brothers check what's inside them. 


"Yes Paps! Could we have curly noodle spaghetti tonight? Like how I taught you?"


"Until she finds somewhere to live."


He rushes off to cook dinner while I plop myself onto the couch, Tia does too beside me.

"Comfy couch."

"Yep, it certainly is."

Sans is most likely in his bed, put there by his more energetic brother. I see mistletoe sticking out of one of the bags Papyrus had carried in before and begin thinking of where to put it.


I jump out of thought and look at the over curious girl beside me.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?"

"About how similar you are from the girl I was friends with twelve years ago."

"You already thought of that! What are you thinking about now?"

"...Where to put the mistletoe."

She jumps up and begins running around the house, inside and outside. I guess she's trying to find somewhere for the mistletoe to go... I think at least. I put my feet up onto the couch and rest my head on the couch's armrest, i'm bored. I don't feel like wrapping presents or using any of the gear Undyne gave me. I don't feel like singing or playing any instruments and I don't feel like writing any songs. Not even drawing could cure my boredom.



I look over to where Papyrus was looking worryingly at me, I give him a smile and a flop of my arm to act as a wave.

"I'm bored Pap."


"Looking for somewhere to put the mistletoe up."

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