Chapter 2: A Punny Meet-up

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"Ms Rose!"

I jump at the loud voice from the front of the lecture room, I must have dozed off again during the lecture.

"Ms Rose this is the third time this week!"

"Sorry Professor Hughes, i've been doing overtime at work."

"Why on earth would you do that!?!"

"My apartment sir, I can't afford a cheaper one."

"Well you must find a solution soon or I will kick you out of my lectures."

"Yes Professor."

I keep my head down for the remainder lecture and as it ends I begin thinking of how to fix this problem. No one has answered my ad for a roommate, by now I wouldn't even mind the monster Moldsmal to answer it. I slowly stand, throw my bag over my shoulder and exit the hall before the Professor sees and begins giving me a personal lecture on proper amounts of sleep. I pass several groups of other young adults talking, I notice that their mixes of human and monsters which makes me smile at how well everyone's settled at our new way of life. Many monsters fitted in extremely well as anime had poured in from the surface down into the underground to be mass produced and shown all over. I have watched a lot of anime but the only one that i've really liked was Deathnote, but none of the monsters i've met has liked it since there's no magical teenage girl and/or cat in it like Mew Mew Kitty. As I walk home I become extremely relieved yet afraid about being fired from work yesterday. I was doing overtime for the supermarket but then they fired me for 'opening' a packet of milk which led to someone pouring it all over themselves. That milk was already open and the shirt that they were wearing costed five dollars! No need to fire me over it! Now i'm jobless, a week left of food in my fridge and no roommates to help out. 

"I wonder if Moldsmal needs a home. I know he works, where though I wonder..."

I talk to myself as I unlock my door and enter the apartment with the sound of beeping coming from the laptop on the table. I throw my bag down as I collapse into the dining room chair and open the laptop to see an email pop up. I click it but become immediately confused as the senders email isn't familiar to me:

"BONEdead? Is that a dog pun or something?"

I faulter a moment as something in my head says to delete without reading it but logic tells me to open it up. 

hey. i'm replying to your ad for roommates. my brother and I are looking for a place to stay and this looks like a good deal. my numbers xxx-xxx-xxx if you wanna reply back to my reply. just a warning i can't promise much more than speghetti for dinner. we won't have parties but we may have friends come over every now and again. don't worry about feeling bad for us if it's too inconvient, i won't have a BONE to pick with ya.

I sigh as I pick up my mobile, from this it seems that the brothers may be alright but the whole speghetti thing will need to be talked about and as long as they warn me before their friends come than it'll work out. I type out the number and begin counting the rings. One. Two. Three. Fou-


The voice that comes from the opposite end is deep yet sounds kind and calm. 

"Hello are you uh... BONEdead?"

"yeah that's me. you the girl looking for roommates?"

"Yes, i'm Duska."

"i'm sans. did you call to reply?"

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