Chapter 11: Kill Or Be Killed

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"Let them go!"

"run duska!"

"Make me! Down here... it's kill or be killed."

I see the vines squeeze tighter, making both of the skeletons scream in pain. Papyrus' costume and Sans' jacket get punctured by the thorns, bone shows through the holes.

"No one will save any of you. Not even FRISK!"

As the flower says Frisk's name a red heart appears infront of him, along with five others which are slightly tinted with their own colors. They seem different from the red one... are they monster souls? Many more souls begin appearing around the centre six, a combination of human and monster souls.

"frisk! you stupi- ARGH!"

At Sans' words the vines hold him tighter and one of the thorns enter his right eye socket which seems to be extremely painful.


"No! I will not! These two are the last of the group who... defeated me. It will not happen again!"

A bright flash of light blinds me for a moment, the sounds of the two screaming are cut off suddenly and the room returns to normal. Their gone. The vines retract into the ground as the flower laughs manically. The center hearts are joined by two more monster souls, they're colored a dull blue and orange.

"What... WHAT DID YOU DO!?!"

"What do you think I did!?! I absorbed their souls! And now... i'll absorb yours."

Several vines shoot out from the ground at my feet but i'm able to jump back in time to avoid them. A second blinding light fills the cavern walls and a demonic goat man appears in front of me, floating above the ground.

"You want it the hard way!?!"


Tears encase my vision, how... why...

"Bring them back."


Tears roll down my cheeks, splatting against the soft surface below me. I quickly wipe them away and look directly at the monsters face.


"I am Asriel! I am also the one who will destroy both humans and monsters!"

A series of colored lightning strikes begin raining from the sky towards me. My instinct begins to guide me, left, right, up, down. After a minute of continuous strikes they stop and I look back up to Asriel, sweat running down my forehead. The images of everyone i've met in the previous two months begin flashing through my mind. Undyne and her aggresive yet friendly actions. Alphys' shy jokes refrencing tons of anime, some that i've never even heard of. Toriel and her motherly kindness towards everyone she meets. Asgore and his delicious tea. Frisk, so young to be someone with weight upon his shoulders. Then there are the skeleton brothers, Papyrus and Sans. Two months is a short amount of time to spend with people, yet... I feel as if i've known them for a lifetime.


I look down to see my soul radiating from where my heart is, a flurescent aqua. The orphange abandoned me to a man who left me alone everyday and never regretted it. I only had one friend who left me and the only man that I ever loved beat me almost to death. A vine suddenly reaches for me but I quickly roll out the way, I now don't regret gaining those black belt in taekwondo, karate and kung fu. The only good thing about being adopted by that rich bastard.

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