Chapter 19: Winning Against Stairs

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My hair is messy from being dried with a hairdryer, white and gray streaks blend in with my natural jet black hair. I look down at the costume layed out on the chair infront of me, right now it's completely black but when I wear it magic pulses through it. Once it's on a flash of white comes from a spot over my heart, then it bursts into an actual. I put a white top, red jacket and gray shorts over the top of the skeleton suit, making me look almost apart of Sans and Papyrus' family.

"Okay, that's sorta creepy. But it's also awesome!"

My neck, face and head are the only areas that aren't covered by the magical suit which is were Kirra comes in, she's a make-up artist. After sitting in the comfy chair for a bit over two hours my face was painted over to look more skeletal and dark than a humans face. 

"Your naturally skinny which is really nice."

"Yeah, I guess it helps with the whole skeletal illusion thing."

She pulls over a mirror so that i'm able to see myself, my face looks so skinny that it actually doesn't look wrong on top of the skeleton body.

"I wonder if anyone I know can see that it's me."

"It'll certainly take some convincing."

I stand and put on the black, sockless shoes that's sitting beside my chair. I look at myself through the full body mirror, it's incredibly creepy how I can see through my arm.

"I really need to learn the names of each bone. I live with two skeletons! I should know by now!"

"Now for the dress-"

"Dress!?! Isn't this fine!?!"

"It's a party! Mettaton would be crushed if you didn't wear a dress."

Kirra put on a pair of puppy dog eyes, not as good as Papyrus' but they work all the same.


She claps as she pulls a cart full of dresses from a compartment in the wall, how the hell did I miss that? 

"Since you were so nice to me i'll let you choose the color."

"Alright then. Um..."

A rainbow of colors play around infront of me, the dresses on the rack aren't properly organised. I get a tingling feeling feeling from my left hand which answers the question for me.

"Aqua. A dark aqua color."

"Dark aqua? Hmm..."

A few dress tries later I find one that i'm somewhat happy with, it reaches just past my knees and has a bit of frill around the bottom. The dress reveals too much... arm bone for my liking and so i'm also wearing a small black jacket to cover them up.

"It's so weird being so... boney."

"Mettaton said that he had to call someone called Alphys to make it, said it used a lot of magic for it to work."

"Well no one's better for such a good outfit. Just... how do I take it off?"

"You have to wait until it runs out of magic."

I sigh as I don't know how long that'll be. A sudden ring makes me jump and I see Kirra reach for her phone.

"Hmhmm... Yes... Of course! She looks stunning... Oh? Alright then, i'll tell her... goodbye."

"Uh... should I be worried?"

"No no! It's just that... Mettaton wants to show you to the entire party!"

"WHAT!?! Why shouldn't I be worried about that!?! Everyone will be focused on me..."

"Well it was sooner or later. He also wants you to sing after your introduced."

My eyes grow wide at her words, my mind begins running a hundred miles and hour. My arms cross over my chest as I harshly sit back into the extremely comfortable chair.

"NOPE! No way in either the Surface or the Underground am I ever doing that! There is way too many people! And besides, I have too much on my mind right now..."

"Well use those thoughts and put it into song! Come on, it'll be fun!"

My arms remained folded as I stare up at her, she releases her puppy dog eyes again. I always hated being the centre of attention, not that it happened often, but I had always loved to sing. I sigh as I uncross my arms, i'm such a pushover.

"Alright. Tell him i'll be down soon."

"Good! Oh and you'll have to take the stairs all the way down and backstage. Don't want to ruin the surprise for anyone do we?"

I feel my left eye twitch as I remove my shoes and open the door to the stairwell, a greenish glow surrounds my vision.

"Great, now my eye's being affected..."

I make sure to stay quiet enough so that Kirra didn't hear as I begin walking down the seemingly endless stairway. Knowing Mettaton he'd of searched through my bag for my music book to give to the musicians which makes the singing part a whole lot easier. I feel my feet burning as I reach a door with the number twenty seven on it, i'm not even halfway down yet and i'm already dying slowly.

"Urgh... how does Sans teleport... it would be extremely helpful right now..."

I look over the railing to see the millions of steps that are ahead of me. A sudden idea picks up in my head and I smile to myself. I drop my shoes over the edge, hearing the thump of them hitting the floor a few seconds later, then flinging my legs over the railing so that i'm dangling over the edge.

"Phew... alright then..."

My hand flares up in greenish flame as I release the metal railing, air slowing my decent but it's not enough to save me. With my left hand I reach out and grab tight onto the first thing I come in contact with. I look up to see one of the skeleton heads that Sans and Papyrus are able to summon except it's eyes glow with an aqua light instead of blue of orange.

"HA! I win!"

It gently descends me to the ground and disappears in a wisp of smoke as my feet reach the ground. I put my feet back into my shoes and open the door to the backstage area, a small handful of people are working back here. Music thumps from the stage infront of me, i'll be up there soon. Sadly. 

"Darling! I thought that you'd say no to my request!"

"Kirra gave me puppy dog eyes. I need to learn not to be affected by them..."

"Trust me darling it's neigh impossible, i've tried. Pappy loves giving me those eyes..."

"It is Papyrus. Who could say no to him?"

"Good point hun. Oh, you don't mind that we borrowed your music book do you darling?"

"How did I know that you'd do that?"

"Your a psychic hun. The band knows that song called Flashlight."

"Really... I never finished with the lyrics..."

The music stops as someone calls up our host to the stage.

"That's my cue darling. Just stay by the stage and don't be seen. I'm sure that you'll be fine."

He rushes off onto the stage, his natural socialness makes him sound instantly confident, but I feel my heart beating from my chest. I do as he says and stay out of sight by the stage but it goes both ways, I'm unable to see anyone from the audience from here.

"...and tonight I will reveal an invention made by the brilliant Dr Alphys!"

Clapping ensues as my time becomes inevitably closer. 

"She has designed a suit that makes a human gain a skeletal figure! It looks..."

I wonder what's running through the skeleton brothers minds after hearing that. Has either of them guessed that it's me in the suit?

"...and now is the time to reveal this lucky human! She has agreed to sing a beautiful song for us all tonight. Welcome to the stage... Duska Rose!"

The New Life Of Duska Rose: An Undertale Fanfic - (UNCOMPLETED XP)Where stories live. Discover now