Chapter 28: Once Murderous Plant Friend

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"You don't know what Christmas is!?! You've been on the surface for two years now, and none of you have heard of CHRISTMAS!?!"

"yes, we've been saying that for ten minutes now."

"But it's CHRISTMAS!?! You have to know about Santa at least."


"What. Is. This. Christmas."

"It's on the twenty fifth of December, it used to be just a christian thing but now everyone does it."


I face palm at the lack of knowledge the monsters have, did they learn anything in the two years?

"Okay, Christianity is a subject for another time. For most people, Christmas is when you exchange gifts with friends and family to show them how much you care. You spend the whole day with them so that you can all have fun."

"So what do we do right now?"

"Okay, a question I can answer..."

I breathe in and out slowly to calm down, this is stressful. All my friends are sitting cross legged on the living room floor on the tenth of December.

"We go shopping, we get decorations for the house, we get a tree and decorate it, get ingredients for food. We do a lot of things!"

"Are pies acceptable?"

"Pies are great! Any food really."

Papyrus puts his hand up to talk but I gently push it back down.

"Yes including spaghetti."


"I look forward to it Paps! But for today... we go shopping!"

"alright, see ya's."

He stands and heads for his room but I quickly tackle him to the ground, rolling several times before stopping and breaking apart. I jump up before Sans does and look down on him.

"Your coming too!"


"You need to buy stuff for Christmas! I'm not letting you be lazy all day!"

"you can't make me go."

I smile as I help him up and put my face close to his, his eye lights flash in surprise.

"If you don't come I won't buy mistletoe."


They don't know about mistletoe either? I sigh as I stand and tell the group.

"If one half of a couple finds them self under a bit of mistletoe they must stand there until the other half comes and gives them a kiss. Not a 'peck on the cheek' kiss, like an actual one."

Everyone stares at me with either confusion, or in Alphys case, worry. I shake my head and look over to Sans who has a blue tint on his cheekbones.

"So, are you coming or do we have to cross mistletoe off the list?"

I know how much he likes to kiss me, he hasn't had a girlfriend before me and he's incredibly shy of it despite loving it. He quickly runs outside and through the window I see him jumping into Papyrus' car, he's desperate.


We've been shopping for two hours now in the nearby mall, Asgore and Papyrus had to drive to Asgore's house to get a third car. We now have Papyrus' Ferari, Asgore's van and my wagon. I don't particularly like driving and so Undyne had driven my car here. 

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