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I'm ingulfed in darkness as I hear faint noises around me. I feel the cold hard metal of these damn chains. I open my mouth only to taste stale air. But nonetheless I open my eyes.

I no longer have the heart to smile but when I see Toshiro breathing I want to, I really do. It's been about three days since he got cooked and  I haven't seen any sign of life until yesterday when I saw shallow breathing and nearly heard lungs begging for fresh air.

They won't get it. Not here.

I continue doing what I'd normally due in the total who-knows-how-long we've been here, lie down on my side and hope to all gods in heaven and hell that someone, anyone will get me and Shiro out of here. "Shiro~? You awake?" I say this into the abyss softly, aiming the question at the boy who's just beyond my reach. I watch helplessly as the only signs of life from the body was the faint rise and fall of his chest.

Shit... The 'entrance' to the cell opened once again, this time revealing the old man with clenched fists, from the burning. The moment I recognize him I struggle towards the body of my 'brother' as the dark would say, but with no avail.

When the elder reached us he completely ignored Toshiros body his aim was me, that much was too obvious. As he gets in front of me I see what he has in his clenched fist: a dagger. The handle itself was simple leather, no sheath, no guard. But when I saw the blade I froze in place, eyes wide, too wide. "I'm sorry, little girl, but the leader of us says that it's the only way." The old man spoke up. "Only way for what?" I squeaked out only to be answered with a look that told me all I needed to know.

They wanted me to join them but torturing Toshiro then and now myself is definitely the wrong way to do that. I open my mouth, trying to retort but his old rough hand held my face in its exact place. He then raised the dagger and aimed it at my face. I can't get out of this. I think to myself. I'm not scared, I'm not nervous, I'm not having grief for my own death, or regret that when Toshiro wakes up he'll have to see my corpse. No I'm not cause guess what? I'm pissed. I give him my best glare, he flinched in response, but his grip on my head or the dagger didn't loosen. He inches it closer and closer to my right eye about to completely destroy it, along with enough brain to kill me.

2 inches

1 inche

2 centimeters

1.5 centimeters

.5 centimeters

It was right about to go through my eye, but at the very last second he switched the tip of the dagger to the side of the dagger to my eye, and it was not the flat side. And then it slit right through the right eye and it all went black.
I wake up who knows how long later. It's like I only have half of my vision though. At the moment I put my hand to my head, everything comes back to me. The Dangai cell door, the dagger, my gulp e...eye. I move my right hand over to the right eye and flinch at the contact which caused what's left of the eye great pain. But what was covering the eye itself was a white cloth and a tape like substance.

I attempt testing my left eye, seeing if how much-if any- damage was done to it. That's when I start looking around my surroundings. The same wall substance is still pretty much everywhere, the shackle which for some reason restricts my destructive abilities is still stuck on my leg.

When I do a final sweep of the room I see something that scares whatever life that I have left out of me. Well someone. Worst part is they were just sitting there, a new chain bounding their left leg to the ground and their blue eyes piercing through my one yellow. "To-shir-o." I say slowly, testing the name out. "Phoenix, wha-what did they do to you?" The white haired midget demands sounding as pissed now as I was before the blade hit the eye. I feel a liquidy substance on my face, so I instinctively move my hands to my eyes, only to find my left one shedding tears. I don't know if these were tears of happiness from me seeing my brother or sadness because the loss of my right eyesight finally hit me, like a flame eliminated as quickly as it was created. Few questions were still running through my head though one was only voiced. "Toshiro, do-do you know where Ichigo is?" I ask hesitantly. "I thought he was with you." Was the only answer that came. After that we talked in hushed voices about what happened after I passed out and what happened when we were separated. But a thought occurred in my mind after Toshiro finished sharing his piece. I must have been right then. Ichigo isn't here, and hopefully that also means that we can get out of here, and soon.

Bleach Fanfic-Meeting The Zanpakto Of DestructionWhere stories live. Discover now