Precipice World

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We're currently outside of the Precipice World waiting for Orihime to get here since she said that she forgot something. No doubt it's probably one of her strange food recipes, but then again she wouldn't go back for just that considering the direness of the situation.

It's been about five minutes since she left to go back to her tent and Uryuu was about to go find her when we saw a shadow salute coming towards us. "Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!" She shouted while running over at full speed. The second she stops she almost topples into Rukia but narrowly misses but ends up on the ground instead.

This is when I notice a small glint in her hands. "Oh umm you see I forgot to put them back on when I woke up but I didn't want to be late or left behind so I decided that when we all get here that I should go back and-" She kept rambling with her palm opened and upon further inspection, it was obvious that they were her snowflake like hair pins. "It doesn't matter ok Orihime? Let's just hurry up and and go."I said silencing her continuess babble.

The gate was right open so I went right through it with Rukia, Uryuu, Chad and Orihime following closely behind. It looked the same as it ever did; weird squishy substance walls, purple, quiet-wait "Hey where's the cleaner?" I spoke most likely voicing each of their thoughts. How I know? They had no clue where the cleaner was either. This is too weird I think.

We decide to start walking and look for clues as everything's so quiet. "You would never suspect an evil base here." Uryuu says inspecting the ceiling. "Yeah it's strange. If the war has been planned for more than a year by the prototypes, then someone must of noticed it." Rukia added on agreeing, each voice bouncing off the walls. "What if they did notice it,"Chad inquired in a soft voice. "But the prototype zanpakto's caught them." His statement was greeted with silence, as we resumed searching, the question weighing heavy on our minds.

If the prototypes or even worse the 'real' zanpakto captured or killed the people that they found then this situation could be worse than we thought. I'm suddenly pulled back into a memory which happened at the infirmary, seemingly like years ago but was most likely just a few months ago...

Toshiro is one of the few Captains who are still here though, wanting to protect Phoenix because at the moment, she can't even protect herself. Mayuri was with the second group that went out but, it's obvious that he doesn't really want anything to do with the girl anymore. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he remembered another thing that he didn't tell us in the first place.

Speak of the alien. Mayuri (Mayuri came back to the base after he was sent out) walks right up to me and hands me a piece of paper and leaves, just like that. And I open the paper, as I read it my eyes widened.

What it said astonished me. I remember, the longest time ago when I first started question Phoenix right before dusk I questioned her bankai, but all she said was that she couldn't use it, she couldn't control it and that was it. But this paper this document, it's all about her bankai.
Yes yes I did just cliff hang it there. And I bet that you thought I forgot what happened in what 6,8 chapters ago? But don't worry the explanation of the whole bankai thing will come soon... The next chapter will start with Ichigos p.o.v in the past.

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