Making Amends With Your Soul

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I'm standing in the pouring rain, letting tears run down my face. I went into the woods that somewhat skirted the camp and just sat there in the trees, crying, sobbing. I was weak. The second I let that...that situation get to me I broke.

"But if you can't we gave the ability to kill every prisoner here," Why?
"Including your very own 'brother'." I'm covering my face with both of my dirt stained hands, not even bothering with the stinging pain of my eye. My destructional ability has been on strike since my de-eyeing, but slowly I can feel the power coming back. That loss of power though had to be caused by that old man, and then after that when I woke up.

When I looked around the room-at Toshiros face... I'm a broken china doll, my broken shards of glass cutting everything around down with me.

Left me crying, in chains, greaving, on my side, on my own. Just like that, in the dead of night. I let him get hurt. I made others risk their lives for me. It hurts, knowing that you are responsible.

All that thought process though, it just lead me to sobbing and on a tree branch in the rain. Maybe at the beginning I should have just killed them all. I should have just destroyed all of their zanpakto's, hilt included. But I can't do it can I? Not now. Maybe if I just didn't... go with them, Toshiro and Ichigo would have probably have just come back either needing medical attention, taking a brake, or even coming back as survivors but with victory coming back with them. And then what was Unohana thinking!?

There there, it's alright," I hear a soft voice behind mine and looking through the corner of my eye I could tell that it was Captain Unahana. "Now what was that about going to the battlefield?"

"You know it's not your fault right?" A voice calls from below. "Oh really, well that's just great." I mutter bitterly. Next thing I know, the branch goes heavier having more weight added onto it. "It hurts." I cry out my voice full of distress.

"If I just wasn't with you guys then Shiro wouldn't have been cooked alive and-and-" I'm cut off by myself sobbing and hiccuping all at the same time. "You know, it's my fault too you know?" Ichigo asks out of nowhere. "Oh really, how?" I question dryly. "If I wasn't weak enough to just go unconscious in the battle then we could have gotten you guys out faster or this wouldneverhavehappened..." He started rambling so fast that his words were just a blur.

I can remember it what happened all so well right until the point where I just passed out.

"ToshirogotawoundthenIlostconcoisnessandwokeuphereand-" "Calm down and speak slower." Phoenix interrupts her own voice full of misery. I do as told and calm down as best I can and start over. "Toshiro got a wound...then I lost consciousness...and woke up here." I can tell just by looking at her face that she's blaming herself. "It's not your fault you know, it's mine...if I wasn't so weak..." I end up trailing off in a whisper. Then I hear something that I haven't heard her do for the longest time: laughter.

"Ichigo! Hehe don't be an idiot! You're one of the strongest people that I know!" We get lulled back into silence before she breaks it. "Don't blame yourself for something that's not your fault Ichigo,"She says in a low tone "It's too irrational." and slides off of the tree into the now drizzle of rain. "Yeah! You too!" I call after her.

When she slid off of the tree though I noticed something with the right side of her face. There were bandages all over it.

Bleach Fanfic-Meeting The Zanpakto Of DestructionWhere stories live. Discover now