Backstory And Questions

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We're currently sitting across from each other both Phoenix and I in a prison cell due to 'safety measures ' while the captains are interrogating Mayuri.

"Well, let's start," she finally says.
"What are your questions for me, Ichigo?"
"How...."I begin "How are you a zanpakto?" She goes a bit stiff at this but nods like she made up her mind on something. "Alright,"silence"It all started when I died."she pauses and studies my face before she continues,"I didn't understand anything. Do you know why?" She questions but all I did was shake my head. "I woke up like this. When I found out what I was, I questioned Mayuri and he told me everything including this, that my reshi-restsu or whatever was to high and I would have died again had he not turned me into a zanpakto." How possible is that?
I ask another question and another and another until it goes almost nighttime when I say "Phoenix do you think that Mayuri should be arrested?" Her answer surprises me "Not really, no."

When she goes silent I ask another question "How do you know how to flash step?"
At this she gives a mischievous smirk and replies"Aah, I thought you would lead off with that one you know. But, if you must know, I had too much reishi so after I started cooperating I was taught the basics by the alien fish and that's also why I wear this," she answers lifting the sleeve of her shihakusho.
"Alien fish?"I blurt out curiosity getting the best of me. I was shocked when she did something that any carefree person should do; laugh. "Hehehe, you should have seen your face Ichigo!" And hiccups soon follow. "Alien fish is what I call Mayuri, I can't call him evil fish cause even though he seems like it he's not or dead alien cause I won't allow it,"then as something clicks in my brain she sees my face "What?"

What I say shocks the both of us "Phoenix I'm sorry that you had to die for whatever reason, but I can tell you died protecting something.Thank you." Why did that thought even come across my mind? She stops smiling all happiness or peacefulness leaves her face and she breaks down and cries just like a fourteen year old full of burdens and heart break should, in the middle of the night.

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