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Taehyung and I are still at the beach.

After chasing each other around, we both got tired so we sat on the sand beside each other and admired the scenery.

I felt my eyelids getting heavier and I just fell asleep like that.


I was admiring the scenery with Eunsoo and thinking of how would I survive after 3 weeks without Eunsoo by my side.

I suddenly felt something heavy on my right shoulder, I looked over and saw that Eunsoo fell asleep on my shoulder.

"When will you realize that I really like you.. You idiot." I mumbled softly. I rested my head on Eunsoo's head and slowly fell asleep too.

"What are you two doing here?!" I was woken up by Jin's loud voice.

Eunsoo also woke up when she heard Jin. We stood up and turned around and saw the 6 boys standing there.

"We came out for a walk but I somehow fell asleep here." Eunsoo replied, rubbing her eyes.

"We were so worried about the both of you, geez! We searched the park, the mall, the playground and we finally found you here. Thank god you're both safe." Namjoon nagged. "Let's go eat dinner."

"Can't believe it's already evening." I told Eunsoo, she agreed, laugheding.

Jimin just remained silent and followed the rest of the guys.

We went to a restaurant, ordered a lot of food and we were all really full.

"Ah! I feel like my stomach will explode from eating too much!" Hoseok said, rubbing his stomach.

"I'll pay today. I owe you guys, I don't pay rent and you guys always provide dinner." Eunsoo said and stood up walking to the cashier.

I ran after her and before she could hand her money to the cashier, I gave my money to the lady. "Didn't I already say that it's my treat!" She smacked my arm.

"The both of you are such a sweet couple." The middle-aged cashier lady said in awe.

"We are not a coup–" Eunsoo tried to say but I cut her off, "Thanks." I said to the cashier lady and smirked at Eunsoo.

Eunsoo rolled her eyes and went to find the other guys. We walked home and played video games until we lost track of time.

"It's 1am already?! We have to sleep for school tomorrow!" Jungkook freaked out. We all quickly went to bed.


4 more days for Soomin and 12 more days for Eunsoo.

I hate Soomin so much, ugh.. She's really really annoying.

Everyday during break, Soomin will pester me and get clingy, what if Eunsoo sees us together? It will be another problem.

I walked to the living room and everyone else was there eating breakfast already. I thought I was the earliest to wake up today, I guess I was wrong.

They finished eating and told me to get ready quickly and eat my breakfast but I told them to go to school first because I need to do something.

That was obviously an excuse, I didn't want to walk to school with them because Soomin might suddenly come to me and start holding my arm or something.

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