+ | bonus chapter |+

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(A/N: hii guys sorry that this is unexpected but someone "requested" for a sequel but i don't plan on having a book 2 so lets just call this a bonus chapter :')) i wanna thank y'all for 67k reads so leggoo)


"Is the scenery nice?" Someone backhugged me.

Of course it's none other than Kim Taehyung, my dearest husband.

We are currently on our honeymoon in Bintan (Indonesia), it've been one and a half weeks since our wedding night.

A lot of things happened that very day itself. And by 'a lot', I really mean A LOT.

"Woahh. Are you really the Eunsoo that I know? I didn't know you were this beautiful." Jimin said and examined my face.

We were at the waiting room of the place we were holding our wedding at, we were all just doing touch-ups on our make-up and all.

Guess what? Minah is my make-up artist for my special day today. I'm really thankful that I have her.

"Yah! Park Jimin, get your butt here and stop flirting with someone else's soon-to-be-wife!" Minah shouted. Aigoo, so cute.

Minah gave birth a few weeks ago and her baby's really cute. It was a boy and he is now at home with Jimin's parents.

"Aigoo, don't be jealous. I'm all yours." He said and did some kissing faces to her. She pushed his face away disgusted.

"Park Jimin, flirting with my girl?" I turned around and saw Taehyung standing there with his arms crossed and a frown on his face.

"Anyone seen my groom? He is taking too long to get ready." I teased, wiggled my eyebrow at my soon-to-be husband who looked extremely dashing and attractive.

"I'm here." He said and hugged me, giving me a peck on the lips.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Everyone paused at what they were doing and looked at the door.

By 'everyone', I meant the whole of BTS, Seohyun and Minah.

Well, they were our family already so they had the privilege of waiting with us in the waiting room.. lol

"I'll get the door." Taehyung said and opened the door.

My eyes widened at the person standing at the door.

"Jihee?!" Everyone exclaimed and stood up.

"Are you here to cause tr-" Taehyung spoke up but got cut off when Jihee hugged me.

She started crying, "Eunsoo-ah.. Congratulations on your wedding. Sorry.. I shouldn't have treated you the way I did before, you saw me as your best friend but me being the useless brat I am, ruined it all in just one day.. I just realized that you are the only one who will be there for me whenever I need someone to laugh with, cry with. I gave on Mark already, I was stupid. I'm sorry for not apologizing earlier, I was scared you would hate me but since this is probably my last chance to do so I decided to just apologize today. P-Please forgive me.."

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