34; | don't go |

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"I'll get going now, feel free call me when you are ready. Take care." My uncle said and left.

I ran to the garden, sitting down and staring blankly at the grass.

Should I or should I not? Do I want to or do I not want to?

Ugh! This is driving me crazy! I ruffled my hair in annoyance and laid on the grass.

I checked my watch, 37 minutes have passed!

Damn it, our teacher is very strict about punctuality and all.

I ran back to class. When I entered the class, all eyes were on me.

"Park Eunsoo, why are you so late? I understand that you went to meet your uncle but the security guard told me that he only talked to you for about 5 minutes and left, why did you take so long to come back to class?" The teacher said.

"Stayback after school and clean the toilets on the first and second floor. Both the boy and girl toilets." The teacher added and told me to go back to my seat which I did and didn't say anymore, I wasn't in the mood to protest any further.

I put my head on the table and pretended to sleep, hoping the teacher would catch me and make me stayback to clean the toilets too.

I don't want Eunsoo to be cleaning all the toilets all by herself.

"Kim Taehyung!" Good job, teacher, keep it up.

I continued pretending to sleep.

I felt footsteps walking towards my table. Soon, the teacher was using her wooden ruler to hit the side of my table.

"Kim Taehyung! Having sweet dreams, eh? Wake up!" She shouted.

I lifted my head up and saw the whole class looking at me shocked.

"Huuh?" I asked the teacher, trying to make her annoyed.

"I guess our school toilets are going to be very clean, Kim Taehyung! Stayback with Eunsoo to clean the toilets." She said. This is the first time I felt so happy about getting punished.

"Class, turn to page 89 of your textbook." And class starts again.. Sigh, I hate school so much.

I saw Eunsoo walking to the girls' toilet on the first floor, struggling with carrying a bucket or water and a mop.

I ran after her and took the bucket of water from her hands.

I walked up ahead and turned back and smiled at her.

"I'll clean the boys' toilets and you clean the girls' toilets. Take this, I'll go take another for my own." I said and handed her the bucket of water and went to take the things required to clean the toilet.

I walked back to the toilet when I heard shouting coming from the toilet Eunsoo was cleaning.

I rushed in, not caring about it being a girls' toilet. I saw Eunsoo being pushed to the floor.

Taehyung went to take the stuff, I mopped the floor and was about to dry it when I heard the door slam open.

That was fast, did Taehyung run there?

I looked at the door and saw Jihee with a very angry expression.

"Jihee! It's been a long time since we last talked, how are you?" I asked and smiled.

We are the weirdest best friends ever, we are best friends but we didn't talk for about 4 weeks already.

Everytime I tried to talk to her, she was too busy with her other friends or with schoolwork.

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