31; | best friends? best friends. |

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"Don't worry. You are just not sure of your feelings, however, I'm sure you're really in love with that Taehyung guy." Mark said and nodded to himself after hearing my story.

"R-Really?" I asked.

"If you didn't love Taehyung, you wouldn't care this much about how he feels." Mark explained.

"Well, I can help you get over Taehyung." Mark said and winked.

"H-Huh?" My eyes widdened. What did he mean?

"You're so naive, i'm just kidding. Let's be best friends! I'm an expert in love, I can help you get back Taehyung if you want. Plus, i'm your colleague now so I'll basically get sick of seeing you everyday." He laughed.

"Um, sure. Best friends now?" I stuttered for some reason.

"Best friends." He smiled and stuck out his hand.


"Shake it, dummy." He teased.

"Are we having a business deal or something?" I asked.

"Deal to be best friends forever."

"I don't trust the word forever anymore, though." I said and shook his hand, a little doubting.

We both drank our milkshakes and got out of the cafe.

"I'll walk you back to your hotel, it's getting late and it's not safe for you to be walking back alone." Mark offered.

"That's fine, I can walk back alone. Just go home." I said and pushed him the other direction.

"No way. I'm coming with you." He said and put his arm around my shoulder, dragging me to where my hotel was.

"How did you know I stay in this hotel?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Stalker?!" I exclaimed.

"I swear I'm not! This is the only hotel nearby so I assume that this is the one." He replied, totally flustered.

"Look at your face, I was just joking." I bursted out laughing.

"Goodbye, best friend. Sleep tight, there's school tomorrow." He said and gave me a huge smile before walking away backwards.

"Bye!" I shouted and waved before he completely disappeared out of my sight.

I walked in and went to my room, I fell asleep as soon as I got on the bed.

My phone rang really loudly and woke me up.

Who is calling me on my newly bought phone already early in the morning?!

Incoming Call: Mark Tuan Yi En :))

I chuckled at his contact name before picking up.

"What are you doing, calling so early in the morning?!" I shouted into the phone.

"Ouchh. My ears. Did you have to shout?! Please remember that you're a girl not a boy, thank you."

"Oh, hurry wake up and get ready for school! I'm waiting downstairs for you." He added. What the heck? Waiting downstairs for me?! I just woke up! Gosh. I hung up.

I quickly got up and ran to the toilet, I tripped over my luggage in the process of doing so. Clumsy me.

I bathed as quickly as possible and brushed my teeth, I changed and took my bag and ran out of the room.

I didn't even bother to tie up my hair like I always did, well, there's no school rule that we have to tie our hair in school.

I looked around the lobby of the hotel, Mark was nowhere around.

To: Mark Tuan Yi En :))
Hurry up! Where are you? I didn't even eat breakfast because of you!

"Boo!" Someone yelled into my ear. I jumped up in shock.

I turned around and saw Mark there, laughing at my reaction.

"You idiot!– Wait, why are you wearing my school's uniform??" I asked, looking at him shocked.

"You're the idiot. I'm in the same school as you, dummy. You mean you didn't notice me at all?? I'm so hurt." He started fake crying.

Wait. He is in the same school as me? Doesn't that mean I just spilled all my secrets to someone who may expose me? Why didn't I see him before?

Maybe I was too occupied with Taehyung and BTS. Sigh.

"You're in the same grade as me?" I asked, shocked.

"Nah. I'm one grade higher than you, I'm your senior, girl!" He said. I was still in shock.

"Let's go!" He added and headlocked me before dragging me to school.

The hotel I was staying at currently is very near to BTS' shared apartment and school so it's really convenient.

I was about to ask him to release me from the headlock but his phone rang before I could.

"Noted, boss. I will go there now." He spoke and hung up.

"Let's go!" He said again. Pfft, he always gets so excited.

"Where to?" I asked.

"I suppose you don't know GOT7 since you don't know me, GOT7 is a popular senior group in school and I'm in it." He paused awhile before continuing.

"We're suppose to meet BTS, another popular squad that is a grade lower than us today, so we're going to their shared apartment now. I envy them so much, they get to stay together."

My eyes widdened. BTS? Of all the popular groups in school, why them..

"I think i'll go school myself first. See you later." I said and tried walking away but Mark pulled me back.

"No way, you're coming with me. It will get very awkward so if you come, at least I have someone to talk to. Plus, don't you want to meet BTS? I heard the members are handsome and all. They are also in the same grade as you so why not?" He said and dragged me to BTS' apartment.

The place that I'm very familiar with, the place I want to go back to but can't.

Mark knocked on the door and it opened almost immediately.

"Mark you are finally here!– Eunsoo? Is that you??" I heard the person who opened the door say. I didn't dare look up.

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