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I woke up when I felt something heavy sleeping on my right.

I saw Junghyun sleeping beside me, my eyes widdened, what is he doing sleeping here?

I shook him lightly and he woke up.

"Oh good morning, Eunsoo-ah." He smiled and sat up.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"About that.. I just came in to check on you and I was too tired that I fell asleep." He said.

"What time is it right now?" I asked, remembering it was Monday.

"6.45am." He replied calmly.

"We have school! We are late already, go get changed! Hurry!" I exclaimed worriedly and pushed him out of my room to get ready.

I got ready and when I came out of my room, Junghyun was already spreading butter on slices of breads at the dinning table.

"Let's eat while walking, I have not been going to school lately and if I'm late, I'll get detention!" I said and took a bread from Junghyun and stuffed it into my mouth while putting on my shoes.

Junghyun did the same and we both saw the time, it was 7.10, oh my god!

School today starts at 7.15!

We both started running to school and a few minutes later, we reached.

We saw the guard closing the school gates, we quickly ran and stopped the guard, luckily, we were on time.

"Don't be so late next time, if I locked the gates, you might have to climb over them." The guard warned us and we just nodded.

We ran to our classroom, our teacher glared at the both of us.

"Had too much fun that you forgotten there was school?" The teacher scoffed at us.

"Sorry. It won't happen again." Junghyun said and went to his seat which was beside mine, I also went to my seat.

"It's all your fault that we're late! Why didn't you wake me up?" I pinched his arm.

They were teasing each other and it really pisses me off.

I hate it that Junghyun is the one making her laugh like that, not me.

Eunsoo.. I'm sorry..

The bell rang, it was lunch break.

The rest of the students except BTS, Junghyun and Eunsoo went out of the classroom.

I stopped Eunsoo and Junghyun from leaving the classroom.

I used my arms to block the door.

Once they stopped, I immediately kissed Eunsoo on the lips.

Eunsoo pushed me away harshly, slapping me.

"What the hell, Kim Taehyung?! We're no longer together, you have no rights to kiss me!" She shouted.

Suddenly, Junghyun cupped her cheeks and made her face him.

He leaned in and kissed her on the lips, what the heck?!

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