2: Ice Cream at McDonald's

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[2: Ice Cream at McDonald's]


Harry and I had dived into a brilliant conversation that seemed like it could drag on forever. But of course with time, space and reality, that's not possible.

He had introduced me to his other band mate Niall, only the two of them coming to JLaw's party tonight.

"Nine years?!" I whispered astonished as the two nodded. "Shit man, you boys got some luck on your side."

"Well I'm Irish so..." Niall trailed off, grinning to himself as he sipped at his beer.

"How long hav-"

"M-Maddy?!" Harry was interrupted as I looked back to see Trish stumble outside and towards us.

Oh Lord. How much did she drink?

"Trish?" I asked stepping to her and grasping her bare arms.

"I've been l-looking for you." She smiled and threw her arms around. Cuddly drunk is what I've established. Definitely cuddly drunk.

"Who's this?" Looking back at the boys, Trish peeked over my shoulder before latching her arms tightly to my neck.

"Uh," I chuckled awkwardly and patted Trish's back, "this is my friend Trish. Trish, this is Niall and Harry." Her hand waved at the two, her many bracelets jingling in the process.

"Maddy." She whispered loudly in my ear as I looked at my drunken friend. "Can we go? I wanna eat ice cream." Smiling at my friends lame excuse to leave, I nodded at her.

"Ok. We can leave and I'll get you all the ice cream you want." Pulling my phone out, Trish smiled delighted as I checked the time to be just past midnight.

Well... hope she doesn't mind a trip to McDonald's.

"Well, uh," Trish began tugging me away which was successfully working inch by inch, "I gotta go! Nice meeting you!"

"Bye Madeline!" Niall waved as Harry smiled waving over at me as well before running a hand through his long locks.

If I didn't have long hair. And was a guy that wanted long hair. His hair would definitely hair goals. I mean, imagine how easy it would be to brush every morning.

"Maddy!" Trish whined, barely giving me time to grab my purse and say goodbye to Jennifer.

Coming out the front doors, a security guard close by easily approached us.

"Can we grab a ride home?" He nodded and looked over at my drunk friend that took off her heels and happily swayed them in her hand.

"Of course ma'am." He pulled out his walkie talkie while Trish held my hand as I guided her safely onto the pavement.

"Whoa." She whispered, wiggling her toes. "Look at my nail polish!" Biting my lip back, I watched a black vehicle approach us while holding in laughs. I was so going to mock her about this in the morning.

That is if her hangover makes her approachable.

"Your ride is here ma'am."

"Thank you." I smiled at the security guard that helped me and helped my friend climb into her seat. Then clipping in her seatbelt, I leant forward and told the driver to take us to the closest McDonald's.

If Trish wanted ice cream at midnight, then that's what she'd get.


"Thank you again!" I thanked the driver before Trish and I were escorted back into our hotel. With the help of a luggage boy, we had reached back up to our room.

"Madeline!" The first thing Trish did was face plant onto the couch as I chuckle, throwing away the four empty chocolate sundaes we had devoured. I didn't realise how much I wanted ice cream as well until I ordered more than I should have.

Pulling out a blanket from the hallway cupboard, I came back out and laid it softly over Trish. She wasn't getting up any time soon; her and I both knew that.

Slipping off her heels and pulling her legs properly on the couch, she snuggled into the cushion under her head as I slipped into the bathroom.

There's no way I'm sleeping with so much makeup on. I used to do it when I was younger; but getting older and being advised not to, I eventually stopped.

Clearing my face and sighing at my natural state, I took my hair out from its ponytail and turned off the bathroom light.

My feet thanked me as I freed them from my shoes and socks; the air whipping around my toes as they brushed along the carpet floor.

My bed. My soft, comfortable, warm bed. A content sigh escaped me as I snuggled under the fluffy blanket.

I loved dressing up and going out, those things I enjoyed. But I much preferred staying in with my either baggy or exposing clothes and watching television.

With a quick flick through of my Instagram and Twitter, I made a quick tweet before pulling myself up to the light and fan switch.

Had a sick time at Jen's!!! You know how to spoil a crowd xx

Hearing the ceiling fan begin to whir and seeing that the only light that was now on was my phone light, I came back to my bed and spread out.

This comfortable life is one I easily became accustomed to.

I was tucked in. My eyes were heavy. Yet I pushed on to scroll through my phone. Thinking back to tonight, I smiled at all the people I conversed with.

And to meet half of One Direction was a god send.

Speaking of...

Going to the two boys' profiles, I followed each and looked at their recent tweets.

Graham Norton here we come !! Who else is excited to watch us Thursday night?!?! Xxx

Niall tweeted which I instantly retweeted. Isn't that funny...

It looks like we're going on the same show together boys.


Copyrighted 2015. @Nouis_Strikes_Again

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